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Everything posted by RedRamage

  1. So here's the next 14 picks and the next 28 ranked players according to ESPN. Who want to do a 14 pick mock draft?
  2. Yeah, it's not Williams or Cine and Dean... it's Williams and #46 or Cine and Dean... We'll, technically it's or Cine, Dean, and #66.
  3. Logically, emotionlessly, it makes sense to trade with anyone if you think it's the right trade. But fans are rarely logical, rational thinkers (expect us of course). If you trade with a division rival the player the rival gets with the trade ends up having success you have to see that player twice a year. Look, Lions fans still complain about passing on Aaron Donald and he's not even in the our Division.
  4. Lions trade up to #3 and take Thibs.
  5. The pick is in... announce it... that's what we're watching for, not all these idiots to talk about crap.
  6. Pickett is from Loch Arbour, New Jersey. Is it possible for a city name to sound less like it should be in New Jersey than that name?
  7. Weird that it's taking so long... Jags trying for a last minute trade?
  8. What the hell is this Chris Angel crap??
  9. So spontaneous that Ice Cube was there!
  10. I'm going to go with Hutch or Walker, who ever is available. If Jags take an OL I'll go with Hutch.
  11. And that's probably by biggest worry. Not so much that he wouldn't put his all into the game while he played but more that as soon as he gets the cash he thinks he needs he'd leave. The player that jumps to mind is Robert Smith from the Vikings who retired after 8 seasons to pursue a career in medicine. He was at the top of his game and then just left. This is not to knock Smith (or potentially Thibs) as a person, but as a fan (and I suspect the front office would feel the same) I want players who view the game as the goal, not a means to the goal.
  12. Now me playing the armchair GM would see this as a potential Red Flag that I'd like to ask a lot of follow up questions on. To me the potential issue here is this: "If Football is your platform to reach the next level, how invested are you going to be in football? How much do you need from football before you're going to move on to your real passion project?" Compare this with Hutch who seems to view football as his passion project. Football isn't his platform to reach new things, football is the thing he wants to reach. Again: Heavy disclaimer here... this is just me being armchair GM with no inside information. As I said this is a potential Red Flag. I trust Holmes (at least so far) and I assume he's done those follow up questions. If he and Campbell are on board with Thibs, I'm going to trust that they did the research they felt was needed.
  13. Well, not Georgia, but...
  14. How about this draft?
  15. That's probably a very valid point. I mean we're all just doing a lot of arm-chair GMing here. Unless any of y'all are holding out on us, none of us have actually interviewed either of these guys so it's all just a lot of conjecture based on what other people are saying. But even with perfect knowledge of the interview process it's still a guessing game. GMs can use past experience to estimate what will happen but there's no sure fire way of knowing 100%.
  16. Well, yes, but... if we assume (for the sake of argument) that he's interested in his brand more than he is football, then his motivation is potentially questionable. Again, we're assuming a bunch of stuff for the sake of argument assuming that Hutch is all about making football great and fun and all that and Thibs if all about making himself great and rich, then Thibs might be less likely to put all his effort in plays where he doesn't stand to win the accolades. If he's rushing the passer, he'll go all out. If he's just blocking his zone he might not put as much into it. Off the field he may be less invested in little things like working hard. He might be less winning to work with a team to restructure a deal or mentor new rookies after he's had a few years of seasoning. He might be less winning to come back after an injury if the team isn't in contention for the post season. He might be less winning to stick around with a smaller market team if he can land a contract with a higher profile team. Now I'm making a LOT of assumptions and conjectures here and I readily admit that. I don't know Thibs AT ALL so I can't say if this is him at all. I'm just trying to say that I can understand how 'commitment to football' could be seen as an issue and pointing out areas where it might manifest itself.
  17. Just my opinion, but I think Campbell would go nuts. Hutch seems like exactly the kinda player he wants.
  18. No, the best thing would be talking Walker. If they take Neal then the Lions had the choice between Walker and Hutch and there will be many people complaining that they took the wrong one.
  19. I think betting odds aren't always a good indicator as Vegas is more interested in making money rather than being right. The odds are adjusted to give themselves the lowest payout. That said there does appear to be more and more smoke around Walker to jags... and this close to the draft I think there's probably a little less click bait vs. wanting to have an accurate mock that writers can point to to show how smart they are. If I was a betting man I'd still bet on Hutch to jags, but I would also be thrilled if he fell to #2.
  20. I saw that too and immediately dismissed it.
  21. I forgot too. 😞 I wish they just did it Sundays and maybe Saturdays.
  22. All you guys bag on Patterson but he's the best QB the Panthers have had in decades. Put him on a different team with good parts around him and I bet he wins a championship. In all seriousness, @davidsb623 is right, he wasn't the biggest problem. He looked really bad in the first qtr, in part because his OL was non-existent. But he performed decently in the 2nd half. I'm not saying he's NFL caliber, but he good enough for the USFL I thought.
  23. I think it's Hutch or Walker myself.
  24. Stupid Jacksonville... just make up your darn mind already!
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