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Blue Square Thing

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  1. Day of the week in the middle is just odd. YYYY-MM-DD - in a numeric fashion - is something I use sometimes, but isn't standard at all, just easier to make sure no one's going to get confused.
  2. Whatever they can get for him really, but a receiver or a fit cornerback would be a good start.
  3. Yeah, that was pretty good actually, although the timings got slightly ridiculous towards the end. Did you get Bloodlands yet? James Nesbitt as a detective in the North of Ireland - has some nice moments and twists in lots of nice ways.
  4. Nah, it was those guys on the ship that didn't want to stay here.
  5. None, however, appear to be on Britbox - if the list I found is actually what's available. Of the crime stuff, I'd recommend Shetland, Unforgotten (Nicola Walker - sigh) and, err, Line of Duty (if you want to be really confused). I would recommend Mrs Brown's Boys, but I like you all, so I won't.
  6. As a teacher, I'd thank you for keeping her off. We had a few in last week coughing all over everyone and everything. Really helpful parenting.
  7. Morse is rather old now - the storytelling is pretty darned good but some of the production is rather dated now. I like it but I remember it coming out and lived pretty close to Oxford for a time. And drank the same beer... We just got the most recent three episodes of Endeavour (same character; prequel - in case you weren't aware). Obvs the production values are much more up to scratch. Not watched them yet, but I imagine they'll be good. Lewis was in the same canon and came after Morse - also worth a look I'd say.
  8. Rain? Remind me, what does that look like? Everything's scorched here just now - barely rained this month and we have pretty sandy soils.
  9. Why did they bring this game forward? Weather forecast or something else? Not that I'm complaining. It's not the middle of the night so that helps me...
  10. He played a few innings in the outfield last season I think.
  11. Where they are right now, only 75 would be a disappointment. One win in each series is 76.
  12. Catchers 2 - Everyone else 0
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