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Everything posted by casimir

  1. I think I'd rather wait a bit on Kreidler's ascendency to MLB. One thing that pops out at me is his BB/SO ratio. Its quite a mix among the different levels of minors that he has played. 20/61 in 257 PAs at A, 32/119 in 388 PAs at AA, and 24/39 in 162 PAs at AAA. I'm not quite sure what to make of it. What happened with his SOs in Erie? What happened with his BBs in Toledo? I think the other thing that sticks out to me is that he's got somewhat similar college and pro ball numbers (AVG/OBP/SLG for sure). I don't know at all, but I would assume there would be some sort of regression going from college to the minors. Look, I think he's intriguing, but I want to see more out of him in Toledo.
  2. Stewart's drive & dunk was a thing of beauty. The Pistons were in this going into the 4th. Sure, the 76ers were down a couple of players, but it was a definite improvement over the previous game. Agree that Cunningham started to get it going a bit. I'm fine with being patient to begin the year. He's new to the league, new to the team, and was just cleared with no restrictions. It'll be interesting to see how he does tonight.
  3. Brooklyn Nets (5-3) vs Detroit Pistons (1-7)
  4. Well, he’s already got three rings. Winning 107 to snuff out the rivals at 106 had to have been enjoyable, especially when considering nobody expected them to be a .500 club.
  5. Got tested for strep throat (positive) and COVID (negative) yesterday. What a blast! I should have asked for a prostate exam while I was already there and miserable. I figured that strep was the issue. I was describing my symptoms and they kind of confirmed that a test for strep was necessary. Then they asked about vaccinations and smell/taste. Had Moderna in April, still have my senses, but I knew what they were getting at. We’ve got a 10 year old at home, so we’re at the cusp of getting her vaccinated, so it was probably best to get checked for COVID just to be sure. I didn’t realize how back they went for a strep test and I didn’t know it was possible to get that far up one’s nose. Good grief.
  6. He took last season off. Maybe with the young family, that opened his eyes. Play out this season and see how he feels afterwards. Maybe it hit him at some point during this year, maybe that was the plan all along before this season? Hey, good for him however he came to the decision.
  7. I think both Freehan and Posey have summary numbers in the primes of their respective careers to be inducted. We can evaluate this is non players and run numbers through spreadsheets and models and whatnot to take care of the numerical side of the argument. Sure, Posey is retiring early. But he’s not the first player to have his playing career by choice or by other circumstance, and he wouldn’t be the first hall of fame player either. I also think they clearly had the respect of the leagues in which they played to be voted into the all star games much often than not. You want to talk about game respecting game and actual players/managers determining who the better players are, my guess is Freehan didn’t win fan votes for all 11 appearances. Toss in gold gloves and MVP votes. Falling off of the ballot in his first year of eligibility with only 2 votes seems criminal.
  8. I mean, seriously, you could be bigger than using “-tard” to describe someone or some group. Or you can go ahead and use the epithet and sound like the former president, your choice.
  9. It’s ok to be better than this, right?
  10. Hearing rumblings that Philly might have a COVID outbreak amongst players, but they are ready to activate members of the traveling party to play if needed. Vegas has reduced the line by a half point.
  11. Yeah, and considering the injury was attached to a leg, I think a bit of a slow start isn’t too unexpected.
  12. Interesting idea.
  13. No moves today? What, Avila needed a nap after making one trade yesterday?
  14. You call it greedy, I call it optimistic.
  15. Do you think they've decided where in the ballpark this statue will be?
  16. Geeez, I wonder how a major conference would $plit tho$e hair$?
  17. Who 'dis? I looked over bbref and it doesn't pop out at me? P Michael Lorezen is a FA. He wants a crack at the rotation, but I have a hard time with offering him a guaranteed spot. But he's got a big arm, so, is this a situation where Fetter gets to call a shot? Additionally, he could be a RHH PH/OF option. Just kind of glancing over some of his advanced pitching ratios, he ain't far off of Funkhouser, in terms of career numerals.
  18. Need some sock height metrics for a full evaluation.
  19. Time to start floating Greiner's availability in the media.
  20. It does seem a pretty clever move on the Tigers' part to acquire a guy that the Reds were likely to just let walk away (sounds like they have a younger C that is about MLB ready). Also fortunate given the timing of Buster Posey announcing his retirement.
  21. I do like this suggestion.
  22. Philadelphia 76ers (6-2) vs Detroit Pistons (1-6)
  23. I wonder how many behind the scenes producers/helpers they have and if any of them came up with the question?
  24. Is that trade to swap picks with Houston still on the table?
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