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Shades of Deivi Cruz

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Everything posted by Shades of Deivi Cruz

  1. Wrong thread...
  2. Tonight's game is on AppleTV, not Bally. I like the AppleTV broadcasts, so I'm looking forward to it.
  3. 4chan not required. With the algorithms all the social media apps use, those dark rabbit holes are frighteningly easy to enter.
  4. Opening for The Weeknd is a pretty big deal. Congrats to Riley, if that's the case.
  5. I really like those guys. Every song I've heard is super catchy. I've floated taking my daughter and/or son to see them, but neither of them took me up on it even though they like those songs too. Glad to hear they put on a good show. Maybe I'll push a little harder next time.
  6. Narc was great. I own that movie! Saw Maverick with the family over the weekend. What a fun movie! I loved that it used a lot more real effects instead of relying on cgi. The story was relatively predictable, but not a complete rehash. The flying scenes were fantastic (of course).
  7. What a raw deal for Howard. He couldn't even get a little closure regarding the "why" from Kim and Jimmy before Lalo blew his brains out. The thing is, he was completely right. It wasn't money or anything like that. It was purely because they could. I'll be so curious to see what's next. What does Lalo do in the next moments after killing Howard? How do Kim and Jimmy cleanup and move on from Howard? Baked in that is an assumption that Lalo doesn't just shoot Kim next. I do agree that Lalo has to be out of the picture entirely before we reach the Breaking Bad timeline, and both Gus and Mike have to be 100% sure he's dead or their actions in BB won't make sense.
  8. I had no problem with the end of Ozark, even though: SPOILERS!!! Like most I was "rooting" for Ruth, but it seemed true to the show to take her out. Her entire family (except Three) died because of involvement with the Byrde's, so it seems right that she would as well. Also, while I would have preferred for it to have been on-camera, it's pretty obvious that Jonah shoots the PI. With that along with Ruth dying, puts the Byrde's right back "in it" when they were "this close..." to being out. It's a never ending cycle for them, of their own making. A tragic ending for all involved, which again feels appropriate for the show.
  9. We still wear them at work when in meetings with others. Technically it is not required, but it's very rare to actually see someone not wearing one in a meeting. This practice saved me from getting it, as I had a meeting with my boss on Monday (where she seemed totally fine) then on Tuesday she was a coughing/hacking mess and tested positive that afternoon.
  10. Yup. I know Prince tried to avoid Purple Rain and some other big hits by incorporating them into a medley instead of playing the full songs. Certainly though, Prince was an outlier in being able to get away with that.
  11. Buffett recently had a "Songs You Don't Know By Heart" release, and I was truly hoping a similarly themed tour would be a part of that, however it was not to be... On the one hand, I understand. I'm sure it happens, but I can't think of many artists that would actively avoid performing their most iconic songs and biggest hits.
  12. That better not be a shot at Jimmy Buffett.
  13. I agree, Jimmy Buffett is a first ballot HOFer!
  14. Because he was covering the plate after Haas entered the rundown, and he could plainly see that he wasn't in the way of the runner and that they lost the game? I see lots of problems with that play, but where Soto was at the end isn't really one of them to me.
  15. Consider yourself lucky. Suffered my first loss today. Now 98/99.
  16. The tip portion gets added later, but for some reason doesn't generate a new "alert". My statement always ends up showing the full amount including tip once the charge actually hits. It's similar to when a gas station does an initial "hold" of $100 when you swipe your card, and then the actual amount posts later.
  17. Those of us with daughters will relate.
  18. Josh Mandel deserves to lose on merit alone. No need to resort to Photoshop conspiracies. Of course, none of the folks Mandel is competing with on the GOP side are any better. He, Vance and Gibbons are all nasty candidates.
  19. I have no problem tipping for carryout, though it's usually just a couple of bucks not the 20% I do when dining in the restaurant.
  20. Your post was written in plain, everyday English, and yet I have no idea what it means, even (especially??) after clicking the link.
  21. I've seen it said a lot that Will changed his reaction based on Jada. To me it seems just as possible that his initial reaction was to laugh, because that's what they are supposed to do, but then he realized what was actually said (probably combined with the look on his wife's face). I can think of many times when I've initially laughed at something and then paused and was like "WTF?". It doesn't really change anything either way, but just a thought. It was still a MASSIVE overreaction on Will's part regardless.
  22. This is how I want all of my baseball highlights from now on.
  23. In my wife's job she frequently (well, pre-COVID anyway) spends time in high schools meeting with teachers and principals about student teachers. Today she was in the school my sister-in-law (married to my older brother) teaches at. She poked her head in her classroom and said hello. One of the kids in the class yelled out "Is that your mom?". 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  24. Another day of triple victories for me with Wordle, Quordle and Octo. Needed all 13 tries for Octo, but got it done. Actually didn't get my first word until 5, which is usually the recipe for failure.
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