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Shades of Deivi Cruz

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Everything posted by Shades of Deivi Cruz

  1. Tragically this is what happened with my childhood friend's brother. He was "showing off" with it and shot himself. It's too bad though that I don't really care about gun safety, and just use it to earn liberal points.
  2. Maybe there’s no mention of the parade incident here because it’s not actually pertinent to the topic of the thread? also it’s been clearly stated by many in this thread that only guns are specifically designed to kill people. Not cars, not knives, not airplanes, etc. Also, since you don’t seem to be aware, car ownership is actually very highly regulated.
  3. Oh, I didn't know we were horse trading. So when abortions are banned, then we get gun control? It's EXACTLY a deflection. You don't want to argue gun control, so you inject something else into it.
  4. Don't "fix" my post with that BS. Talk about a deflection...
  5. Massacred children are an appropriate price for unfettered access to firearms, apparently.
  6. Reading this thread annoys me. SOOO much deflection. Other countries have problems with racism. Other countries have drug problems. Other countries have access to the internet. Other countries have kids spending a lot of time on their phones. No other country has the gun violence and the crazy easy access to guns that the US does. But how do those two things go together... No one could ever know...
  7. Pre-COVID (remember that?), I would play basketball on Sunday nights at my kids' school/parish gym. It was finally scheduled to start back up, I thought starting yesterday. Since I hadn't heard anything definitive, I reached out to the organizer of it. He got right back to me to say that it was supposed to start, but unfortunately he's in the hospital with COVID. 🙄 Of course I replied to wish him a speedy recovery, but what I wanted to say is that apparently there's no vaccine mandate for Sunday night basketball... Now I'm not sure I want to play. Both my parents are coming off health issues (cancer and heart problems), and the thought of having potentially other unvaccinated guys breathing right in my face playing basketball and then carrying that to my parents, is not all that appealing. If it were just friends that I knew were vaccinated, I'd have no problem playing, however I know a number of the other parishioners are anti-mask/anti-vaccine.
  8. My wife's Pilot has lights that are quite bright at the "regular" level. We regularly get "flashed" by other vehicles when just the regular lights are on. I then flash them back with the brights to say "Oh you think that's bad? Try this!".
  9. Found out today that my (unvaccinated) uncle (in his 70s) will be spending Thanksgiving in the hospital with COVID. The only surprising part to me is that it took this long to happen. I certainly don't wish COVID on anyone, and I hope he fully recovers, but I also don't feel bad for him. Maybe this will get his family to reconsider vaccinations for themselves, but I doubt it. They are Springfield Missouri bible-thumpers, so they'd probably get excommunicated or something if they got the shots...
  10. Actually he says he broke his toe during home workouts and it's not COVID Toe. He even showed his feet on camera to show no lessions.
  11. The whole "Let's Go Brandon" thing is hilarious to me. They really think it's clever for some reason. You want to say "Fuck Biden", then go ahead and say it. Who cares?
  12. "We hate the USA!!" "Here's some roads and bridges."
  13. I'd be happy if he had stayed the fuck home and let the police handle any disturbances.
  14. Well the NFL is in a bit of a tricky spot, because Rodgers didn't actually hide anything from the team or the NFL. Both the team and the NFL in general simply turned a blind eye to Rodgers flouting the rules. If they try to hold Rodgers and/or Packers accountable, what is the NFL's punishment for ignoring the violations all this time? To me, it almost has to be a "now-now, don't do that again or you will get in trouble" situation, otherwise they have to try to spin their own involvement in ignoring the behavior.
  15. I use AirPods all the time, though just for music not for conversations. I don't have conversations on my phone. I'm not a caveman.
  16. I'm a Packers fan and I say Yes, if he lied to the team or league, he should be suspended. Seems like though he "just" lied to the press. I'm sure there will be more to come though too. For example, why was he never masked while doing indoor press conferences, if the team and league knew he was unvaccinated?
  17. Now I want to watch The Village again... LOL! It's available on Hulu, for anyone else that is interested.
  18. I keep getting burned by comedy sequels. I know they are almost always terrible, and yet I convince myself to watch them. Fortunately most of them were streaming or rentals, and not paid for at a theater. These include: Anchorman 2 Coming To America 2 Bill & Ted Face The Music I have somewhat learned my lesson though, because I have avoided Dumb & Dumber To, Horrible Bosses 2, Clerks 2, and Zoolander 2 (among others).
  19. I was with my parents and some aunts/uncles over the weekend. They got to talking about the shows they watch (Grey's, Million Little Things, Young Sheldon), and bemoaning that "nothing was on last night". This conversation really threw me, because I realized how little (none, actually) "network" TV I watch. (I mostly watch HBO and AMC shows, besides things on Netflix/Hulu.) And it boggled my mind that anyone would be watching shows as they aired, instead of things they had recorded (or on-demand/streaming). I honestly think the last network show I watched live on a regular basis was Lost, and even then we would start it 20 minutes late so we could fast-forward through the commercials.
  20. All of these cast lists are missing the "washed up" actor/actress that QT decides to spotlight (except the person that said Kirstie Alley...LOL). I'll go with John Cusack as Tin Man.
  21. I was having similar problems (dropouts and video call issues), and my problem was two-fold. My wifi router was in the basement, and where I was working was on the second floor of the house, so my wifi connection wasn't great. Switching to the Google Nest mesh system fixed that. Now I have a great signal throughout the house. The second problem was my internet connection from my provider (Buckeye) was inadequate. I think I was still on 25 mbps. Bumped up to the 100 mbps plan, and all is well even with both the wife and I working from home most days.
  22. I should clarify. I'm not a fixer. Of anything. Not appliances. Not electronics. Not plumbing. Not drywall. Nothing. I've tried to become one, many times, with many failures and curse words in my wake. I am now at the point in my life where I have accepted and embraced this about myself, which is for the betterment of myself and (especially) those around me. (NOTE: I did successfully replace a light fixture in our closet with an LED version, with only one F-bomb in the process. Although, I do believe the Mrs is still concerned about it potentially falling on her some morning when she's trying to get ready.)
  23. I have neither of those things.
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