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Shades of Deivi Cruz

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Everything posted by Shades of Deivi Cruz

  1. I like the jerseys, especially compared to the City Connect versions of some other teams. The hat, notsomuch... That said, anyone ordering a City Connect Torkelson jersey for $175 needs to have their head examined. Skubal or Greene are the only two jersey worthy players we have.
  2. We've always have Buckeye for home internet (and phone, when that was a thing). It's the only option in the neighborhood. We just didn't subscribe to the cable TV portion of their offerings.
  3. Can't disagree with most of this. DirecTV always offered me a substantial discount to stay, but it just got to the point where I wasn't seeing the value, especially since I was already paying for Hulu (the "regular" version). Combine that with the fact that what we actually watch on TV is very little, it was just time to make the switch. Navigating Hulu Live TV is a little wonky, but we will adjust quickly enough. It helps that each of us can have our own Favorites channel guide. I also like that I can click on Sports, and it shows me all of the live and upcoming games to choose from, and I can further narrow that by sport. We also can now truly just have one remote we use for everything, which has long been an annoyance to Mrs Shades of Deivi Cruz.
  4. Redzone is great if you do fantasy football or just want to track all the scoring. If you don't care about that and just want games, then leave it off. My son insists on Redzone, though I prefer to just pick a game and watch it.
  5. I'm in the Toledo area, so I have Buckeye cable. AT&T is putting fibre in our neighborhood right now though. YoutubeTV has the Sunday Ticket. I have a college student son, so I was able to get it for cheap last year. Yahoo is not really a thing anymore... LOL!
  6. I'm in the process of something similar. Been with DirecTv for literally decades, but switching to Hulu+ Live TV and Bally's app for half of what I had been paying. Without the Sunday Ticket, I'm no longer tied to DirecTv.
  7. Who uses Bally Sports as an alarm clock?
  8. I have only a couple of bookmarks that I actually use. If it's a site I use frequently, I either have it as an open tab all the time, or I rely on autocomplete to get me there. Regarding the topic at-hand, it certainly seems like it would be Keith to go. They've still been sticking Tork and his Ks (or pop-up!) in the middle of the order, much to my frustration. Not that anyone outside of Greene, Vierling or Perez actually deserves to be there, I guess.
  9. If they have the original Centipede, I will take your lunch money.
  10. Yes, I used "low-key slapped" on purpose AND I used it correctly. LOL!
  11. Is that a KMart lunch counter? Related-ish, there was a lunch counter at the Sears store I worked at when I was young, and it low-key slapped.
  12. No Tork in the lineup today.
  13. I feel like Gibby's voice has much more energy and strength so far this year. Maybe it was just because it wasn't Craig, but I like to think it is.
  14. Rained out. Straight DH on Sat.
  15. In our pitchers defense, they are watching our hitters fail miserably at such pitches. Reasonable of them to think it might work for them. Unfortunately, they aren't facing Tigers hitters.
  16. The crew insisting on continuing to play "Pick The Stick" and showing constant updates of everyone with zero or negative points is just cruel.
  17. I love Jason so much. He did try to help Craig out when they replayed the Tork strikeout and he mistook it for the double. Unfortunately Craig had already botched it and made it clear he has no idea what he is talking about.
  18. No one goes to NYC to see flowers.
  19. Did Tork say maybe he should stop hitting pop ups and striking out? That would be my non-professional opinion.
  20. Not sure how that would help this situation. Once it starts raining Tues morning, it's not supposed to stop through Wed night.
  21. Should be able to get today's game in, but tomorrow and Wed look dicey. Maybe they should just go ahead and play a DH today...
  22. Did she take into account the fact that the new people she would be meeting are largely people who proport to enjoy the musical Cats?
  23. Not only was that show conceived of AND subsequently put into production, it also is somehow popular enough for that long run on Broadway as well as now community productions. I chose to believe it is actually an elaborate hoax where people just came together to agree that it was good and see how far they could take it, and it snowballed from there. I am actually more concerned that your wife's cousin seemingly voluntarily chose to try out for the production. And now you have participated in perpetuating the ruse by attending and supporting the event.
  24. Years ago I went Christmas shopping after such an exam, but I got frustrated because I couldn't read any price tags. I was about to leave the mall when I saw a crowd forming at a Gamestop. Since I couldn't see anyway, I went ahead and got in line. After being in line for awhile, I asked the person in front of me what we were in line for. She said that the store had a stock of Nintendo Wii available. I thought about it for a second and decided to stay in line and get one, even though I had not planned at all to seek one out.
  25. How many come-backers off his foot? As long as that number is zero, I'm happy.
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