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Shades of Deivi Cruz

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Everything posted by Shades of Deivi Cruz

  1. Same. Watched both episodes last night, so now impatiently waiting for Sunday night. I don't much care for the look of the "clickers", but that's pretty nitpicky. I also didn't play the game (but was aware of its existence), so it may very well be that the design comes from the game. I've heard others say that it's pretty faithfully recreated a lot of other elements, so that's probably the case.
  2. Good news. I won $28 on a $10 bet on the Ohio State basketball game. I am now the best sports gambler in the world.
  3. I have $200 in free bets remaining, plus whatever I manage to win (HA!). Does the forum want to be my advisors? I prefer to bet on things I will actually be watching, so that means NFL playoffs. I also usually do $10 at a time, so I have 20-ish bets left.
  4. You just saved me $150 on my next renewal! Both my wife and I are hybrid.
  5. I haven't seen Yellowjackets or Cobra Kai, but that is a damn fine list.
  6. Netflix: Dead To Me (haven't watched the latest season yet, but enjoyed the previous two.) I think You Should Leave ("sketch" comedy and it's not for everyone. Very short episodes.) The Mole (recent reboot of the reality series) Hulu: Reservation Dogs is supposed to be good. Haven't watched it myself yet. The Old Man (Jeff Daniels is great in this.) What We Do In The Shadows Prime: Marvelous Mrs Maisel Reacher Jack Ryan Upload The Boys Invincible (animated and very violent, but excellent)
  7. A couple quick examples. 1. I noticed that every NFL playoff game had hit the over, so naturally I took the over for Cowboys/Bucs at 45.5. Final score 31-14 with four missed PATs and a missed 2pt conversion. 2. Joe Burrow to throw for over 225 yards and win. A slam dunk, right? No. 209 yards 3. Josh Allen to complete 25+ passes and win. Nope. 23. The only thing I've "won" was a free $5 NBA bet. I haven't watched an NBA game in over 20 years, but I took the Celtics (for no reason in particular) and won. LOL!
  8. I am thankful for the Fanduel "seed" money I received when Ohio went live on January 1. It has allowed me to realize (unsurprisingly) that I am a terrible sports gambler without actually losing any of my own money. The "free bets" expire at the end of January, which will mark the end of my sports betting career as well.
  9. We seem to collect kitchen gadgets, but they all get used fairly regularly. Crockpot, air fryer, quesadilla maker, panini press, waffle maker... The only one we don't use is the instant pot, which is still new in the box 3+ years later.
  10. How dare you besmirch waffle makers! Now china on the other hand...
  11. So many open threads with that. As you said, it isn't completely clear what she did or didn't do. Also, you assume Ethan messes around with the friend's wife in retaliation, but again you don't know for sure. I agree that Ethan's character is not very sympathetic, but I thought the idea of him not being able to shake the images of what he thought his wife did was well done. I was a little disappointed in how predictable the storyline with the hookers was. Since Lucia had told Mia that she was going to scam Albie out of a bunch of money, I was hoping for a curveball somewhere in there. It turned out though that's exactly what she did. Tanya's (and Portia's) storyline was probably more convoluted than it needed to be, but it was still engaging. I mean, if the idea was to kill Tanya for Greg, it seems like there was ample opportunity to do that without having to entertain her for three days (or whatever it was) with parties, operas, etc. You could tell there was something off with that group from the start, and it just got more and more foreboding as it went on, which I thought was great even if it was overly elaborate.
  12. I finally finished season two of White Lotus. The hotel staff were not nearly as interesting as they were in season one, but I enjoyed the guests a lot more this season. Aubrey Plaza is just great, as usual. I think I enjoyed that storyline the most.
  13. What?!?!?! If we can't post ignorant opinions on the internet, then what are we even doing here...
  14. Jimmy Buffett edition! * Something to wear - Pencil Thin Moustache (strangely difficult to match this one...) * A Place - Bama Breeze * Animal - Off To See The Lizard * A Number - It's 5:00 Somewhere * A color - Scarlet Begonias * A Girl’s Name - Delaney Talks To Statues * A Boy’s Name - My Head Hurts, My Feet Stink, and I Don't Love Jesus * Profession - Son of a Son of a Sailor * Day of the week - Duke's On Sunday
  15. Prince edition! * Something to wear - Raspberry Beret * A Place - Alphabet St * Animal - When Doves Cry * A Number - 319 * A color - Purple Rain * A Girl’s Name- Bambi * A Boy’s Name - Jack You Off (LOL!) (My Name Is Prince also works, I guess) * Profession - Lady Cab Driver * Day of the week - Manic Monday
  16. I watched Bullet Train on Netflix while on a flight. A ridiculous movie and plot in every way, but also a lot of fun. If you want a mindless action movie that doesn't take itself seriously, it will do nicely.
  17. Jack White is amazing. Don't miss on the Raconteurs and Dead Weather.
  18. Writing Golddigger and then still ending up having to pay $200,000 a month in alimony will do that to you.
  19. The paramedic in that trailer is the "disgruntled employee" from those Twitter videos. I'm not sure what it says about me that I recognized him instantly.
  20. My nickname from my older brother is Neil because of this show. I don't look or talk like him at all, but he was our favorite character. My brother still calls me Neil almost exclusively.
  21. It's all those comedy skits you've been streaming.
  22. Not sure. I tried to look it up, but didn't see anything. It does say season 3 is expected to be shot in LA though.
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