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Crazy Cat Gentleman

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Everything posted by Crazy Cat Gentleman

  1. to my eye, the parentheses do a pretty good job of delineating it.
  2. let alone the first one of the past 8 years or whatever Dan said.
  3. remind me, is that what we call a Maddux? CGSO on under 100 pitches?
  4. YEAH!!!!!! WHAT A GAME!
  5. 2 down! only 91 pitches!
  6. 83 pitches. it'll be a crime if he doesn't get a shot at the 9th.
  7. I didn't realize Montero had still faced only the minimum number of batters. dayum.
  8. ooooooof ball to the balls
  9. Ibáñez gets the Tigers to double digits.
  10. more hits, more runs. keep 'em coming.
  11. oh, look, there's Parker driving in more runs.
  12. yeah, they're just plain bad.
  13. haha, nice barehand by the camera guy
  14. ugh, no, she's just terrible. haha none of my other cats were really keyboard walkers. but this one gives no Fs, just walks right across whatever.
  15. and Vierling gets Riley in.
  16. bases-loaded triple for Riley! 4-0
  17. Parker leads off with a BOOM!
  18. Daniella Bruce? she's not super new, been on TV (subbing for Natalie?) a number of times. she's mostly been on the radio since I think last season.
  19. well, time for a two-week update, I guess. and on Wednesday, she "gets" to go in for surgery—not a spay (well, probably not) but rather a hernia repair. some of her small intestine is on the wrong side of her abdominal wall.
  20. I'm not watching because I find him utterly repulsive and cannot stand his voice I know who I'm voting for and cannot be swayed I gotta go to yoga
  21. love being able to say this as an observation and not a request.
  22. Riley makes it 7-1.
  23. and Vierling takes care of Meadows
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