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Crazy Cat Gentleman

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Everything posted by Crazy Cat Gentleman

  1. This is my buddy, Jungle Jack. He's definitely getting on in years—best guess is 18-19—but he's still doing fine for his age. Chronic kidney failure, chronic asthma, and not really anything else wrong with him. He's the sweetest, cuddliest, snuggliest, friendliest cat I've ever met. I don't know what I'll do when he's gone, but it seems at present that it'll be a while (a year or so?) before I have to worry about that.
  2. oh, man, I'm so sorry. not much sucks like suddenly/unexpectedly losing a special pet.
  3. I think I drive more since the pandemic started. I'm lazy, so I drive half a mile to food trucks for lunch instead of making something at home or walking, and I work at home, so I can no longer stop off at the grocery store while taking the bus/train home from the office (never took my car to the office, always transit).
  4. no spray tan on his face or carrot paint in his hair. good to see he's drinking with a straw now. fewer spills that way.
  5. so the reverse jinx worked? sweet!
  6. shouldn't this be the 2022 death thread? anyway, damn:
  7. only MWG can fix it.
  8. what's her position on the constitutionality of Legendary Lloyd coming back to manage the Hens?
  9. Dan Fogelberg
  10. I thought it was DrMaleficent.
  11. I'm glad you're not having a worse time of it. take care.
  12. I can't believe there wasn't a question about cargo shorts.
  13. it seemed like he was gone or at least already committed to/in the process of leaving before Jan 6 came up. so yeah, like everything with TFG, it was just a big disappointment.
  14. he did, but I wish he'd stuck to his whole "you'll never hear from me again" schtick. now that would have been worthy of accolades.
  15. I signed up with USPS to get e-mail notifications of what mail I'm getting. on rare occasion it's just some sort of self-promotion (ok, spam) from USPS, like job opportunities and such. today it was this, and I almost burned my laptop down. seriously, F that guy.
  16. can't remember about that for sure, but I'm pretty certain that's her in the photo Chas posted.
  17. 🎶 even old New York was once New Amsterdam...
  18. Yeah I only this morning got to the part where my skin feels like it's on fire. Still kind of chilly, too.
  19. Got my Pfizer booster yesterday, and holy hell did it kick my ass. I haven't felt cold like I did last night since I was a kid in northern Minnesota winters.
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