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Crazy Cat Gentleman

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Everything posted by Crazy Cat Gentleman

  1. I was fine when this thread started, but just now, I was having trouble getting to https://www.motownforums.com/. after messing around a little, I was able to get in by going to http://motownforums.com (not https, not "www."). it still redirected me to https://www.motownforums.com/, but then it started working. kind of odd.
  2. not I, though I'm not a huge consumer of social media. but in any case, I'm fine with it and happy to do my part by including mine where it's appropriate.
  3. sort of tangential, but I remember a bunch of years ago when I was driving through Wisconsin and saw a sign in someone's yard along the highway saying how horrible WI DOT was for implementing center-line rumble strips. so angry about something I would think you shouldn't even notice unless you're potentially moving into oncoming traffic, in which case it could be a big help. I don't know if there's some issue (real or perceived) with them that I haven't considered, but in any case, kind of a wtf moment for me. at least there weren't any death threats on the sign, I guess.
  4. my move to Oregon 5 years ago is finally paying off.
  5. No more $15k vacations for him, I guess. 😢
  6. hyperlocal microclimates
  7. speaking of great sports plays: even if, like me, you don't care about soccer at all. pretty sick.
  8. if you're using Chrome, go to your preferences and near the top, there's "Sync and Google services". within that is an option to send URLs you visit to Google. turn it off if it isn't already. regardless of browser, if you have a Google account (such as for GMail) that you're signed into in the same browser(s) that you're using for YouTube and other things, go to your Google account settings (https://myaccount.google.com/), click "privacy and personalization", scroll to the bottom, and turn off ad personalization. this should make your ads more random. if you're still getting harassed by Xero, then it's their fault.
  9. what, did he go in with the intention of making a scene? if so, what a shitstain.
  10. sounds like that was just the vote to start the debate.
  11. well, looks like you've got this decade taken care of, BBL.
  12. Lake Michigan, near Manistee
  13. actually, the thread I started in the Tigers forum was there (again) when I went for a look just now. so I stand by my theory of non-admin anomaly. 🙃
  14. there were/are so many of those that I wouldn't be able to tell. but I do see that both my posts from this morning are gone. well, I guess one of those was a thread in the Tigers forum, so yeah, I guess I noticed one then. I'm not 100% sure it's intentional, though. I also read all the posts in the political forum this morning that I hadn't read before things went wonky, and when I went back there just now, they were all unread again. so it's like some state got reset in the past few hours. posts gone, reading activity "forgotten", etc.
  15. someone with admin access to both would have to export and then import. and I think MWG said he doesn't have admin privs at MTS any more, so that leaves us with... no one.
  16. I'm with everyone who's not going back to MTS. it's only a matter of time before it blows up again.
  17. Hey, MTS is back up. Weird.
  18. almost—only 5 months to go!
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