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Crazy Cat Gentleman

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Everything posted by Crazy Cat Gentleman

  1. well, they managed to not give up the lead till the 3rd inning. moral victory?
  2. 4 straight singles after the HR produce a couple more runs. 3-0
  3. sad day here. I will be losing my best friend when the home euthanasia service gets here in a few hours. 20 years (18 with me) is a long time for a cat, but I think we all know that it's never long enough. rest easy, bud.
  4. ohhh, I see what happened. ok, let's try again, but this time with more annoying steps. it may actually be worth posting in the Q&A forum to see if MWG can update the forum software to a version that embeds x.com links (which may or may not be available yet), because this is crossing well into "hardly worth it" territory. but I'll post instructions for completeness, because me. paste the link in your post. place the cursor anywhere in the link and tap the "link" icon in the tool bar. you'll get a popup link editor, and in that, change the URL in either field from x.com to twitter.com. select and copy the whole link you've changed, then click the "remove link" button. the entire x.com link in your post should be selected at this point, so you should be able to just delete it or paste over it or something—I don't know how iOS text editing works.
  5. from what I (an Android user) can tell from other people's reports, the iOS twixter app is using x.com instead of twitter.com when sharing links, and this forum software doesn't know to embed x.com links. what you can do is paste the link, change 'x.com' to 'twitter.com', select the changed link, cut it, and paste it back in (it seems you need to paste to trigger the embedding). that should do the trick.
  6. I thought for sure that was going to be Stephen Miller. whatever, **** both those guys.
  7. Torque bomb. too little, too late, I'm sure.
  8. it's only been gone, what, 12 years? I'd say most of us are that old.
  9. pretty average pitch count, but Faedo's really getting it done otherwise.
  10. going by his facial expressions, I wonder if Miggy had given up on Miggy hitting any more homers.
  11. you forgot the picture of an impossibly-muscular Tr*mp in a superhero costume. (and I thank you for that.)
  12. are you using iOS? just wondering, because I still get twitter.com URLs from the Android twixter app.
  13. It probably would have gone out at Coors because the rare air would have allowed a ball hit that hard and at the same angle to travel farther.
  14. man, looked like Torque almost had another HR, too.
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