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Crazy Cat Gentleman

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Everything posted by Crazy Cat Gentleman

  1. I think the Tigers' best chance is if Javy gets plunked.
  2. can we (both teams) just start using the extra-innings zombie runner now instead of putting off the inevitable?
  3. WXYT lost its feed from the ballpark in the bottom of the 1st and still doesn't have it back. you'd think someone could get Dan a cell phone or something.
  4. nice! I'm not super familiar with most of that gear, but I know about the Minilogue—it was probably a candidate when I ended up getting my Bass Station II. or maybe it was the Monologue. in any case, enjoy your bleeps and bloops! unfortunately the music bug has kind of left me, as it does now and then, and I haven't touched my stuff in kind of a while. hate when that happens.
  5. this seriously happens once every couple months. I think it was Blackburn's turn to tweet that BS last time, too.
  6. I was wondering that myself. Lithuania sorta, too, at least on the women's side.
  7. need fielding practice. and/or DFA Nevin.
  8. FFS "scoop". GTFOH with that.
  9. Singuel! Tigers strike first, 1-0.
  10. yeah, I just had the impression that she had gone completely off the deep end at least a few years ago.
  11. quite a while ago, though, no?
  12. wow, that was quite a slide by Vierling!
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