my pet peeve is talking about non-celiac gluten sensitivity like it's any problem with wheat/barley/rye and not differentiating carb-based issues. that article seems to come way to close to simply equating gluten with those grains, and reading it makes me think that whoever wrote it would label me as NCGS even though I can eat all the gluten (such as seitan-based fake meat) but can't eat certain carbs (fructans) in those grains. soy sauce and most beer is fine, but hazy beer is often made hazy by adding flour post-fermentation, so I can't touch the stuff.
if you're going to go to the trouble of writing an article about a hypothetical condition like that, why not at least mention carb-based issues as a possible root of the so-called gluten sensitivity? FODMAPs were well known by the time that article was written.