Something to wear: "Hat and Keys", AKACOD (probably because I saw "hat" in your answer)
A Place: "Bloomington", Old 97's (definitely because I saw Old 97's in your answer)
Animal: well, I saw Hongbit's answers, too, so the only one I can think of is "Run Like an Antelope".
A Number: "50 Things", Dead Milkmen
A color: "Old Blue House" (or maybe it's just "Blue House"), Blue Rodeo
A Girl’s Name: "Dawna", Morphine
A Boy’s Name: does "A Boy Named Sue" count? otherwise "Peter Piper", Run-DMC
Profession: "I've Been Working on the Railroad". kill me now.
Day of the week: "Thursday", Morphine
this forum software needs a "spoiler" feature.
edit: for the ones where I was influenced by others' answers, I may have eventually come up with a number of songs from the Dead Milkmen's Bucky Fellini because I listened to it fairly recently.