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Crazy Cat Gentleman

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Everything posted by Crazy Cat Gentleman

  1. I want video. oy, never mind, that'd probably get you in a heap of trouble with one or more parents.
  2. I'd totally wear it. I'm always up for a good pun.
  3. and that's just killed. let's not forget injuries and horrible emotional trauma. that shit sticks with you.
  4. I dunno. Made me laugh at least.
  5. yeah, this clip of his Heisman Trophy acceptance speech, despite being (presumably) written and rehearsed, definitely didn't display hints of "future senator".
  6. Seems about right, really.
  7. only the base amount—bankruptcy can't be used to discharge punitive damages.
  8. all I can think of is Mr. Furious (Ben Stiller) in Mystery Men, but he was sickened by something else (being corrected, IIRC).
  9. Victor! I'm only listening, but it sounded like he really mashed it.
  10. and there's Javy scoring from 2nd on the error. perfect.
  11. I love it when guys take 2nd on a deep fly.
  12. I mean, it was a cool catch, but interviewing the kid who caught the HR? yeesh.
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