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Crazy Cat Gentleman

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Everything posted by Crazy Cat Gentleman

  1. Victor! made possible by Baddoo's hit and SB, too.
  2. yeah, there's a rumor going around to that effect. I barely noticed his first 8 ABs myself, though.
  3. well, that's one way to get a bunt hit.
  4. Haase! infield single, but it still scores a run.
  5. Carpenter gets it plenty deep enough for a run. tied now.
  6. you're the best. thanks for helping her.
  7. I had to bail when it was 4-2, so I'm glad to see they pulled out the win. apparently I'm also glad I didn't have to watch Joe and Soto.
  8. speaking of Palin
  9. that's my understanding. so if he gets called before a GJ, he could be cooperating somewhat after all, whether he likes it or not.
  10. I imagine the J6 committee only needed her for the one appearance. I don't have the impression that she's anywhere near his myriad other legal issues, so... sadly, probably not. unless cable news wants to interview her, I guess.
  11. he didn't get too far into it, mostly just rattled off all the trades and then the signings that went nowhere (JUpton, Zimmermann, maybe more). I think he was just starting to talk about draft picks, starting with Tork (and couldn't remember his name—color guy reminded him), when the inning ended.
  12. Clemens still sucks, in case that helps.
  13. CLE TV having stuff to say about Avila's firing. "only Alex Lange has made any impact in the majors." (of the players received in Avila's trades) then they went over the FA signings, and now they're on the draft picks.
  14. yes. I selected it and got some show, as I said previously. it said it was playing the game, but it was not the game.
  15. I hope @dannydhrs gets it from the radio, because otherwise we might not get those, either.
  16. I entered a Royal Oak ZIP code when signing up. no dice. didn't prompt me for a phone number/area code.
  17. well, it doesn't work here. I just got some random WXYT show.
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