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Crazy Cat Gentleman

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Everything posted by Crazy Cat Gentleman

  1. ooooh, Alex Avila is going to be in the radio booth for the other 7 games of this road trip. hopefully those games will even be, you know, watchable.
  2. at least the Tigers' batters are putting pressure on the Red Sox.
  3. good, Alexander is up in the pen.
  4. greeeeaaaaat, JD up with the bases loaded.
  5. C-Mo thankfully seems to have tonight (or this series?) completely off, if I correctly remember not seeing his name on TV earlier. other than that, he's there and available. Petry is working TV.
  6. Chris HackCosky, 4th-6th innings.
  7. Rileyyyyyyy two hands and he still couldn't haul it in.
  8. I'd be all for it. I love the Stars' uniforms and look forward to this game every year.
  9. yo, T, don't try to barehand that shit.
  10. AAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  11. ha, picked him off anyway.
  12. it just had that feel for a bit of a game against the Angels where Rick couldn't get anyone out. yes, I'm being hyperbolic. it's how I cope.
  13. an out... and the crowd goes wild.
  14. Brieske is the True Ace™
  15. FU, non-robot ump.
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