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Jim Cowan

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Everything posted by Jim Cowan

  1. It says everything about me. Thank you.
  2. I already said, twice I think, that I don't disagree with your opinions on this topic. Could you stop, take a deep breath, and try to let that sink in.
  3. A+. He is cruising for a time out here, and I don't think it would be his first.
  4. Rats, subscribers only. Got a 20 word summary?
  5. Santos is so repulsive that he will still be an incel even in prison.
  6. Like I said, I'm a non-believer. So you haven't said anything that I disagree with. I just don't think you should call people "asinine" who disagree with you, the way that Donald Trump would.
  7. He doesn't seem like the ideal Tigers recruit and that proposed contract, OMG, that's way too close to $30 million AAV for me. I want to go at least 5 more years without one of those.
  8. I didn't read that post, it was far far too long. In your previous posts you are just repeating every question that every 8 year old has ever asked after Sunday school. You should know that, there is no genius insight involved in your comments in this thread. The nasty snarl in your comments on this topic disqualifies you as someone who should be taken seriously. I might have taken your thoughts seriously if they were not packaged in such unnecessarily hateful rhetoric.
  9. Not as much as the 1987 baseball did.
  10. I'm a non-believer but I don't insult other people for their beliefs. We have a couple of people here who can't separate the evils of organized religion from the desire for spirituality that many people have as individuals.
  11. Clearly they don't. Anyone who thinks they do is ignorant.
  12. You weren't there, so you don't know what you're talking about. Carry on with your mocking though.
  13. The priest was making a joke. Good grief.
  14. A Catholic priest said something funny a few years ago: "You can fill up a bowl with salt water, throw in a couple of rocks, leave it out in the sun and stare at it for 10,000 years and, I guarantee you, nothing is going to crawl out of there".
  15. No they don't. They are house pets whose continued existence is justified only because of some alleged positive influence on tourism. Being a non-executive "head of state" is a ceremonial role.
  16. They have no influence whatsoever, they have almost none in their own country. England has been trying for almost 80 years to preserve some sort of relevance internationally, to little effect. The Foreign Office needs their heads examined for continuing to send these clowns out there.
  17. He's not a world leader and his presence at environmental events is farcical. He should stay home and wave from the balcony, and his children should get jobs.
  18. I see that King Jughead of England has, predictably, flown a private jet to the COP summit to lecture everybody about the environment.
  19. I didn't, i just feel like everybody who truly understands Rule V will arrive on time and now that there are no more Covid restrictions around border crossings if you tell the Canadian customs guys that you are going to a Rule V party they will just wave you through. I already have the Rule V bunting over the front porch. My driveway only holds one extra car and I've always saved it for tiger337, so for everybody else just park at the church up around the corner. They don't like it but what can they do? They can't do nothing.
  20. Thank you, I'll be here all week.
  21. Well you know, they aren't sending their best people. They are sending rapists and murderers, and they are infesting our country...it's an infestation.
  22. Netanyahu can't survive without Hamas, and vice versa. They are each other's perfect foil. So let's not blame the lack of a two state solution on Hamas. If Netanyahu had wanted a two state solution it would have happened a long time ago. He is the main reason why the two state solution was not implemented years ago.
  23. Olson will be the only number 2 starter in the league who looks like he might need to skip a start to go to the prom.
  24. Yes there are examples of groups who are motivated by their beliefs and accomplish great things, with a recent example being the Methodist church in Hungary. Which is why Orban hates them.
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