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Jim Cowan

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Everything posted by Jim Cowan

  1. You are relying heavily on counting stats there, which merely reflect that Correa missed a lot of playing time in 2018 and 2019. Your table says that Baez has been more durable, which is what everybody says. I don't understand why you would leave out walks and OBP.
  2. That pretty much sums it up. The people who didn't want to sign Correa would argue that from 2017 through 2019 he wasn't on the field often enough. But when he's playing, he has been the better hitter.
  3. I can't think of anyone here who is doing that. At the start of the process, the were some people here who really wanted Correa. And some who really didn't. When Baez was signed, there were some who were extremely happy, and some who weren't. But since that day, complaining about signing Baez instead of Correa? I can't think of anyone here who is doing that.
  4. I can't think of anyone here who wants to do that.
  5. Correa gets on base and Baez doesn't, no doubt about it. We optimists are looking at Baez' OBP with the Mets and are hoping that he has discovered something. And yes good point about switching to AL, that is likely to diminish his performance a bit. Compared to JD Martinez switching to the NL, LOLOLOL!
  6. I think that it is not on the table anymore, at least I hope not, because they signed Baez. So, the job is filled now. I think that their offer was in good faith. They were saying that they would do the 10 years, which for many people is the bigger obstacle than the money. They were also saying that they would not do 340, but might meet in the middle. I don't think it was intended as a performance. They have their reasons for thinking that he is not worth the Lindor money.
  7. I don't think he is going to match Lindor or even Seager. The stupid money is already gone. If he wants $35 million it is going to have to be 2/70.
  8. Yes I think that the Tigers offered him what they think he is worth, and weren't influenced by his supposed desire to match Lindor.
  9. Hey maybe the Rangers will sign him.
  10. So, to review: presented above are 4 numbers that are absolutely correct and cannot be disputed. Fox, do you have a theory about why more than two thirds of American deaths appear to have been completely unnecessary?
  11. Instead of typing real slow, you should read more carefully. The CDC table does not say ages 5-12 have a 65.6% rate. It says that everybody 5 and over has a 65.6% rate. Big difference, yes? So, it is only logical that for the total population the rate is lower, such as 62%. You have a chance to admit that you misread the data here, it would help establish some credibility. So, Americans die from Covid at a rate more than 3 times that Canadians do. I feel certain that you have a theory about why that is. Why won't you tell us? What would be the harm?
  12. About 25 years ago I had a golf club membership for a couple of years. You paid your annual membership dues and then, on top of that, they billed you $500 for restaurant food whether you ate there or not. So you tried to make sure that you ate at least that amount each summer, but you paid for the beer and wine separately. I always felt I was getting screwed on that.
  13. Ha ha, I read "rally monkey" at first. I'm not sure that the rally money trail would be damaging to Trump, none of it would have been his own.
  14. They also said that the percentage of total population...total population..is 62%. You could not have missed it. What is your theory about the difference in death rates between Canada and the US?
  15. Oh by the way, as of yesterday your fully vaxxed percentage is 62%. Check the CDC for data.
  16. OK so what is the reason for the variation in outcomes between Canada and the US?
  17. OK fine, 69% fully vaxxed. Never mind the single dose, that does not match up to the fully vaxxed 82% in Canada. I don't understand why you won't answer the question...why are US deaths occurring at more than 3 times the rate in Canada? I feel certain that you have an opinion. What is the explanation? If you want to say that you don't know, at least that would be an answer.
  18. 62% is yesterday, beckershospitalreview. I'm not interested in Israel, it is in an entirely different part of the world. I want to know why 2 countries that are side by side have such dramatically different results. I feel certain that you have an opinion - why won't you share it?
  19. No, but...what is the answer to my question? Why is the USA so drastically worse than Canada?
  20. Do you have a theory about why the date rate is so appalling in the USA? It is more than 3 times greater than in Canada. Why is that happening? If the answer is not in the vaccination rates, then where could it be?
  21. I have some numbers for consideration: USA: Vax 62% of total population, deaths per million 2,500 Canada: Vax 82% of total population, deaths per milion 788
  22. I think that it is evident that the vaccines did indeed prevent the majority of peop!e from contracting Alpha and Delta. You could see it in the daily cases before Omicron - the 10% of the population that was unvaccinated was responsible for 75% of the new cases. Now Omicron seems to have evolved to evade the vaccine, hardly surprising. It is possible though that the vaccines still do reduce the severity. All things considered it is pretty silly to suggest that the vaccines "don't work".
  23. What I took from that article is that they were both doomed to die because there was no one to help her with her medical bills.
  24. I agree, Siemens executives had the attention span of a fruit fly but that did not impede their arrogance.
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