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Jim Cowan

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Everything posted by Jim Cowan

  1. Highest number of new cases today in Ontario since May. Two thirds of the new cases are fully vaccinated.
  2. Many people have observed the irony of Trumpers killing off their own supporters by encouraging the stupidity of resisting vaccinations and masking. But "cheering the deaths of conservatives"? You are better than that.
  3. I still want to punch the shit out of that kid, he just has that effect on me.
  4. People are saying that Omicron does not cause serious illness among vaccinated people but I guarantee that it would kill my wife in less than 1 month.
  5. Omicron has been described as a freight train bearing down on us, that might give us 10,000 cases per day in Ontario by the end of January. As many as one-third of daily cases already.
  6. Yes and their nicknames are not there either, I need to know if their teammates call them "Spaz".
  7. Was there a big demand from the general poulation for this?
  8. Ontario new cases are 1,600 per day now, doubled in less than 2 weeks. Every province has experienced a big upturn, and every province will be reintroducing restrictions such as on large events. Every province except Alberta which is a low-IQ zone. The college that I work at was going to go back to live classrooms on January 5, but today they announced that it will stay remote for all of January. I am eligible for a booster on Monday, but getting an appointment might take some time.
  9. Ha ha it does have its convenient aspects.
  10. Did he wear the shorts too, the ones that barely cover his butt?
  11. I'm the youngest of 5, and counting spouses and children and grandchildren there are 25 people. We didn't meet last year, and we aren't meeting this year either. Haven't thought twice about it.
  12. Good. Do they have health insurance? Pull that too.
  13. So...they read newspapers then?
  14. There is a foreign policy columnist that I read regularly, Gwynne Dyer, who sees no threat of Russian invasion. He thinks that there would be no military response from NATO, but that the resulting sanctions would cripple Russia's economy and possibly cost Putin some of his considerable popularity. And it suits Biden very well right now to play up the supposed threat, to pull some attention away from domestic issues. So that's an interesting assessment.
  15. Yes, that was the joke.
  16. Just to be dickheads, let's announce that we are considering allowing Taiwan into NATO.
  17. You don't care for Chuck Todd? For hosts and panelists who begin every sentence with "Look"?
  18. Oh my goodness, he is just horrible. I couldn't get all the way through the interview.
  19. Funny you should mention horse racing, I watched the Belmont on Youtube a couple of days ago, the one that Secretariat won by the length of a football field. There were only 4 other horses in the race, everyone else had given up after the Preakness. It was like watching one of those early Mike Tyson fights.
  20. He displays the most common sense of any of the 3 main party leaders, but the disappearance of unuionized manufacturing jobs puts his party dead in the water before an election even starts. The other 2 parties always shamelessly suck up to the teachers who by default are the strongest remaining group in organized labour, and the NDP can not establish a base there. But I agree, for a professional politician he is the closest thing that we have to a decent human being.
  21. Miss Lulu was very, very hot.
  22. He is relatively harmless compared to the alternatives. He is less popular domestically than he seems to be internationally. He isn't as smart as his father, not even close, but he's not as arrogant either. He has made a couple of public relations faux pas that make him seem very hypocritical and cynical. I am not a big fan, but I have voted for him. I think that a minority government, which is what we have now, is a good outcome.
  23. They should have the same arbitration rules in both leagues.
  24. I'm definitely on board with drafting anybody named Elvis.
  25. Putin's going to appear at Dealey Plaza with JFK Jr.
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