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Jim Cowan

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Everything posted by Jim Cowan

  1. That cop's name is Remington. JHC. You've got to be kidding me. He's been living this fantasy for his entire life.
  2. Stand at a safe distance from the wheelchair, in case he spins around unexpectadly. Empty your clip into his back. Cuff him.
  3. We did passion fruit already. You know, in the early '70s that was the most absurd thing that the Pythons could think of, and that is really saying something. And let us remember the most prescient aspect of that skit. When Graham Chapman attacks with a banana, Cleese kills him with a 6-shooter. 50 years later, that is reality.
  4. Javy's strikeouts? He was slightly more than 1 per game during his quarter season with the Mets, so I am hoping for a continuation of that. That helped to boost his walk rate, and his OBP to .371. .371! Imagine him with his power and speed, and an OBP of .371. I know, small sample, but it happened after a change of scenery, perhaps some new advice, and perhaps a realization finally that his results so far, although good, might not be the best that his talent could deliver. So it is the season for optimism, and I am hoping for 160 K's and an OBP of over .360.
  5. Yes we know very well that he had a knife. He might also have stolen a tool box from Walmart. There, that balances it up, shooting him 9 times in the back seems more reasonable now. Good grief. A couple of years ago here, 2 cops shot a guy who was off his meds and was brandishing a shovel.
  6. That's a continuing problem isn't it? Even if we could get all the handguns out of society...cops will still have them. On every police force in North America there are people like that guy. A recently retired cop around here said this, on the subject of law enforcement salaries: "Our problem is not recruiting people for the salaries we pay. Our problem is, how do we keep out the people who would do it for free?"
  7. I want an R/R first baseman who bats 7th for his high school team
  8. I never said even once that I understand the attitude to guns in the US. It is impossible, bewildering, for anyone who was not raised there. No one who lives in any other country in the world could even begin to understand it. There is no disagreement on that point.
  9. I guess I could take down my Rule V banners, and put up Christmas decorations instead. Sigh.
  10. Banning the manufacture of semi-automatic weapons is not some radical new thought. Your country did exactly that from 1994 to 2004. It even called them "assault weapons" in the legislation lol.
  11. Let's see what everyone wants to do. The PBR and the popcorn will probably still be good next year.
  12. We do, but our deer don't shoot back with semi-automatics.
  13. Everything that is wrong with baseball right now is caused by the ball. Go back to the 1985 ball. (Not 1987).
  14. "Most", but not "all". Are you trying to say that I can't buy a deer rifle that is not semi-automatic?
  15. Who is anti-gun? I don't care if you own a deer rifle or a shotgun. You should actually read what other people write. Who said stop making guns? I said stop making semi automatics. There is no purpose for them in your society. Again, you should read more carefully and respond with more precision.
  16. Well then just stop producing them. This isn't rocket science.
  17. That is a very scary situation. I would be more worried, though, about getting shot by the 3 year old kid in the cart behind me, fumbling in his mom's purse.
  18. I don't think that very many people here would think that owning a single shot .22 for targets is a problem. Or a stronger rifle for deer. Or a shotgun for ducks or skeet, go ahead and have one of those too. Just take proper precautions. Handguns and semi automatic rifles are an entirely different story. Those need to be rigidly controlled, and the semi automatics should be totally banned.
  19. SigSauer 9mm, what does that cost, about $1,200?
  20. Schoop is trash?
  21. So if you believe Fangraphs' assessment of defense, Baez has the advantage over Correa in defense, power, speed and durability. Correa has the advantage in OBP (.356) and he is 2 years younger. Correct?
  22. I think Baez will smile at him, and be polite and respectful to him!
  23. Wow, they like Baez' D better than Correa's, and the other 3 guys are not close according to them. We will see, but that sounds promising.
  24. I wonder if they said "we are making offers to all 3 of you guys...first one to accept is the one that we go with". And did they offer Correa 10 years? More, because of Seager? Those 5 guys will be linked together for the rest of their careers. Every time Baez goes 2 for 27 we will be looking up the numbers for the other 4 guys. Every time Seager goes on the DL, Ranger fans will do the same thing.
  25. Yes the performance of each reliever seems to vary from year to year. There was a guy about 20 years ago, Cliff Politte, that I remember thinking at the time that he was pretty steady and dependable, and could be used for multiple innings. Looking back at the numbers now though, he had a couple of nice years but they weren't consecutive, and in many years his IP was less than his G. I think the last guy that the Tigers had who could put out a fire in the 7th inning, consistently, was Shane Greene. It was a role that suited him better thsn closer I think.
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