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Jim Cowan

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Everything posted by Jim Cowan

  1. I've been thinking that. Just needs to be a little more vulgar.
  2. There weren't any weapons.
  3. Here for less than one day, and he's insulting people. It would be nice, for balance, if a couple of more thoughtful conservatives joined the board, but it has not happened in recent memory.
  4. Who could blame them for feeling that way? In an open carry state I can shoot whomever I want to now. All I have to do is provoke them into assaulting me, that's not too difficult. And then I shoot them.
  5. Lol!!!
  6. It's like John Cleese teaching you how to defend yourself against various types of fruit.
  7. Utter contempt for him I suppose.
  8. Perhaps. I still want to punch the shit out of him though.
  9. I'd be very happy with Semien too. I like him and Baez both, because they are in the lineup every day. And you should be able to get them for shorter term, without as many dead years at the end.
  10. Correa is better than Baez...when he is on the field. Which isn't often enough. However, he isn't twice as good as Baez, but he will get more than twice as much money. I would rather spend the Correa money on Baez and more pitching.
  11. I would be very, very happy with Baez. Power, speed, and superb defender. OK, he doesn't get on base as much as you'd like. But I would be very pleased.
  12. Thanks I hadn't seen the update. You know, this national vaccine mandate is really interesting. I don't disagree with it, we are doing it with hospital staff here in Hamilton. Shut your mouth and get the shot or lose your job, period. I would like to see it extended to the whole population, but it won't be. This is the first time in my life that I am enjoying being a fascist.
  13. I think Niko will be a useful 25th man on a good team in the NL that limits him to 250 PA's.
  14. This was really interesting to watch and learn. On day one a casual observer would have said "sounds like second degree murder, maybe he will plead to manslaughter". But then as the days went by it became more and more clear how utterly absurd the laws are, and that he had not broken any, incredible though that may seem. It is legal to be an open-carry, self-appointed law enforcement vigilante in Wisconsin. He is "not guilty", that has been obvious for days. Which is not the same thing, at all, as "didn't do anything wrong", of course he did.
  15. It's pretty simple really, you put a toll booth on every block.
  16. That lockdown in Austria is only for unvaccinated people. How will it be enforced? Police will be authorized to stop you and ask you for proof of vaccination. If you are unvaccinated, prove that your trip is essential. Not sure if they will be wearing jackboots. It would be Austria of course.
  17. I was hoping Senator John Kennedy would show up at Dealey Plaza.
  18. That drives me crazy, two thirds of the ICU patients here are unvaccinated, even though only 11% of people 12 and over are unvaccinated. They are such stupid buttheads I wish we could deny treatment to them, they are preventing necessary surgery because of all the ICU beds that they are occupying.
  19. Cespedes...sigh. I loved that guy. Having him and JD in the corners was the greatest thing since Kaline and Colavito.
  20. No, I'm sure you are misremembering that.
  21. Yes I am not disappointed by the Verlander outcome. I like him, like most people here, but there isn't much proof yet that he can still pitch. Interesting how, if he had signed here, a lot of people would have attributed that to his connection to Hinch.
  22. Not me, I'm sticking with Domingo Leyba.
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