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Jim Cowan

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Everything posted by Jim Cowan

  1. She drove him to do community service, him and his assault rifle.
  2. I got a look at that kid yesterday, his appearance on the witness stand, and I want to punch the shit out of him.
  3. Yes, and the World Series MVP? Why, David Eckstein of course.
  4. Yes, we saw that first hand in 2006, the Cardinals won 83 games.
  5. I think that the first person to say "F Trump" into a microphone might have been Robert De Niro and in my opinion, no, it's not OK. It is just as bad as chanting "F Joe Biden" at a NASCAR event. I never saw a reference to it painted on the back of a sociopath's dress though.
  6. Hey you guys Mikie Mahtook is a free agent.
  7. Maybe a little but what I like about him is his durability. Anybody can get hurt of course and the incidence and severity of injury might increase with age, but he was fit and acrobatic at 30 and has only missed 10 games in the last 4 years. As to whether or not he can still play short, I'm not capable of determining that but I haven't seen any expert testimony to say that he can't.
  8. Risky. He looks tired all the time and does not enunciate well at all.
  9. The best value out there is Semien, he is the Gold Glove/Silver Slugger combo who plays 150 games, everybody in the organization loves him, and you get him for way less term and a bit less annual salary.
  10. That's where I am with Correa, I'm not paying $40 million to a guy who plays 110 games.
  11. I said 50,000 years for a reason, I don't know how much racial diversity existed then but there sure as heck weren't any "white men". We have been attacking and enslaving each other since long before any history was being recorded.
  12. It seems to be in our nature, going back 50,000 years, to see something that we want and take it by force.
  13. Sure, it's all speculation. But if I'm Chris Ilitch and I want Correa and think I could get him, and then Al Avila tells me that that would make the manager uncomfortable, I would blow my stack. If it really were the case that Hinch didn't want Correa, I think he would keep that to himself and try to make the best of it.
  14. Or a hockey net.
  15. If Correa wants to come to Detroit, and Hinch objects...see ya, AJ.
  16. Yes I was going to mention that, the destructive force of Christianity in North America and especially in the Pacific islands, and the havoc that it wreaked.
  17. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!
  18. No, I don't think so at all. I think we never would have heard about it if he was a strong enough, respected enough leader to have them do what he wanted them to. But they were star players, unlike today's Tigers, and they knew that they were more important than he was, and did not accept his leadership.
  19. If a clubhouse needs to be controlled, Hinch has already proven that he can't do it. But I haven't heard anything to suggest that Baez would hurt "clubhouse chemistry". Correa, on the other hand, was in that Astros clubhouse that defied Hinch and cost him his job.
  20. I don't mind Baez. If those other 3 guys don't want to come here, he's a heck of a lot better than the Castros and Niko and Short. He would represent a team improvement power, speed, and defense.
  21. Trade Herndon after '84, put HoJo in left.
  22. Sometimes I care about money. For example people are talking about taking on Wil Myers to get a prospect, which to me is just nuts because he makes $22.5 and he is just barely more than a 4th OF. That $22.5 would rule out one of the SP or SS free agents that are so vital. So for a scrub like Myers the money is important within a fixed budget. But for a big FA I don't care about the annual salary at all, just the years.
  23. If you ever need to file a protest with the league convenor, let her make the call.
  24. I agree, I think it's already happening.
  25. Correa needs to make someone commit for 10 years. Because if he signs for 5 years and plays 110 games a year, his next contract after that would be for SFA. I would like Semien for 5 years, I don't care how much they pay him.
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