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Jim Cowan

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Everything posted by Jim Cowan

  1. Bring back the sleeveless shirts!
  2. Kate Upton makes grunting noises when she chews her food.
  3. Those are horrible contracts, I don't ever want to see another one of those with the Tigers.
  4. So now, to put you on the spot...after 3 years of MiLB, do you like Campos?
  5. Yes, claiming Campos seems like roster suicide. He'll be 21, with a High A OPS of .708. Nobody will give him a roster spot for the entire 2024 season.
  6. Right, like last time when Canadian steel and aluminum were subjected to tariffs because of "national security". What did I do in response? I did not buy any American fruit or vegetable produce for the entire 4 years of his reign of error. Even now I will buy American produce with extreme reluctance, because I feel like it is already a slam dunk that you guys will elect him again. What a country.
  7. I still don't understand it but I appreciate the effort!
  8. Calling people vermin is consistent with saying that the country is "infested" with illegal immigrants. Whoever thought that one up, Bannon or Miller, deliberately made the connection between Latin Americans and insects.
  9. Yeah, he seems like sort of a sh*tty person so I probably would be happier if he wasn't on the team. But how do I reconcile this...two of my top 5 favourite Tigers of all time, LeFlore and Gibson, were really sh*tty people, unbeknownst to me at the time. So I guess I can only rationalize it this way...if I know that you are a sh*tty person before you get here, no I don't want you.
  10. Chinese Communist Party is about communism in the same way that National Socialism was about socialism. Which is to say, not at all.
  11. Too many billionaires to be called communist. How about brutal dictatorship?
  12. Castellanos is just about the opposite of "control the strike zone".
  13. Yes, we don't know anything about his personal life. When he went AWOL the previous year, obviously it had something to do with his marriage and his family life. So this year, when he declined the opportunity to live in a hotel in LA for 2 months (which I would also do, it sounds like a horrible life), it was 100% correlated to him being AWOL the previous year.
  14. Yes, Christie groveling before Trump in 2016 is a lasting image that he will never be able to shake off.
  15. Thank you. I second the motion, can we stop saying that Chris Ilitch won't spend. He is trying not to spend stupid.
  16. I don't know. Do you have turnout by age group?
  17. Yes, under-30 is a demographic in which low turnout is a chronic issue, and their disappointment about climate initiatives could easily cause them to abstain. And while Americans in general might not vote on foreign policy issues, the university campuses are currently passionate about it and students could stay home on voting day for that reason too.
  18. OK well go ahead and keep blaming boomers for Trump, and I will keep laughing at that.
  19. If Baddoo doesn't make the team it isn't going to be because of the money, his pay will be SFA as a piece of the overall payroll. I like the idea of having him at Toledo, except that his pattern is to rake at Toledo but not necessarily sustain it at Detroit. He might be the classic AAAA player, except for the plus-plus power and speed. That's why he will always be intriguing, and why he will make some pretty useful money for the next 5 years or so.
  20. The Democratic party is losing the under-30 liberals because (a) they think that Biden has done SFA about climate change and (b) they cannot abide the policy that Israel can do no wrong and that if Israel bombs an apartment building it is somehow a war crime that Hamas has committed. That's a non-starter. Point (b) is the key here. Anybody who gives Israel carte blanche to bomb civilian locations in Gaza is playing directly into Trump's hands, by alienating the young voters that the Democratic party so desperately needs. So no, holding off on the LOL about blaming boomers for Trump, I think I would double up on the LOL.
  21. Remember this one? "Trump's popularity will decline every year as more and more boomers die". LOL!
  22. Marcus Stroman, age 32, just opted out of the final year of his contract at $21 mil. So apparently he thinks that he is going to get 3/81 or something? With his history? Come on man.
  23. It's like having a coach out on the field with the other players.
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