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Jim Cowan

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Everything posted by Jim Cowan

  1. I suppose I owe it to Alex Anthopolous to support the Braves. But I probably won't pay any attention.
  2. The Yankees will pay him 35 per, maybe 40.
  3. Correa would never sign for 3/90, but anyone who offers him more than that is out of their minds. He's only played more than 110 games in a season twice.
  4. That parking lot is full of needles and condoms.
  5. We know, that's why the Rule V party has always started before sunrise.
  6. And open your 3rd PBR
  7. I bought a 45 gallon drum of that pink popcorn two years ago, still have about half of it. That and some PBR and we should be all set. You need to be double vaxxed to cross the border. When you get to my house, park at the church around the corner. They don't like it, but what can they do? They can't do nothing.
  8. When is the Rule 5 draft? We have to start planning the Rule V party.
  9. Good lawyers like to get paid for their work, and know that Trump will stiff them.
  10. Anti-American liberal.
  11. It's like having a sophisticated system that allows you to win at roulette.
  12. That's a fair point.
  13. "The country was safer because people were not allowed in from terrorist countries"
  14. There is an Ontario lottery, twice a week. The pot starts at $5 million, and rolls over if there is no winner. Do I buy a ticket? Of course not. I'm not wasting all that karma on any pots less than $10 million.
  15. Reading some reports Keith Law hates the Tigers, eh? He can suck my ****.
  16. Tigers looking good Dos cervesas por favor Come on spring training
  17. Ha ha ha ha beauty!
  18. That's so awesome, I bet she killed her husband first.
  19. I went to the inconvenience store yesterday, there was one other customer, redeeming a big pile of tickets. I waited a minute, and then walked out. Lottery tickets are a big peeve.
  20. I understand. I just don't want those cashiers to lose their jobs.
  21. Lol, a gated community in Chicago.
  22. I just buy the index. Over time it is a low second quartile performer compared to other equity mutual funds, with minimal fees. Watch out for your bonds. If interst rates go up, which seems likely, your bond fund goes down. A lot of "financial advisors" don't seem to know that. They just remember that risk hierarchy in their textbook, bonds are "less risky".
  23. Ha ha sure, this theoretical bagger who does not exist in my world and therefore not in my peeve can go ahead and bag I guess in some alternate universe, I'm not going to try to make him/her lose their job. That's why I refuse to use self-checkout.
  24. They didn't have Andres Torres and Cody Ross
  25. Please check with me before you invite anyone, in case they are people that I don't like.
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