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Jim Cowan

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Everything posted by Jim Cowan

  1. Plus there is the whole issue of nobody else wanting him.
  2. That is a very interesting article. I like the passing reference to Harrison visiting The Band in Woodstock in 1969, Clapton did that too.
  3. Why can't you get immigrants from places like Norway?
  4. I know that there is still a lot of time left but right now it looks like I won't be voting in your midterms. The border is slowly opening but I have mixed vax doses, one Pfizer and one Moderna, and it isn't clear whether every country is going to approve mixed doses. So my plans are on hold. Ordinarily I would vote in Buffalo, Erie, and Cleveland, and try to make it to Toledo.
  5. Wherever Jim spends the rest of his days, I hope it will be in a nice area.
  6. Riley Greene is not playing AFL. He suffered a concussion during his last game, diving for a ball.
  7. It would 🙂
  8. He was in an unfortunate situation for sure, caused 100% by his inability to control the clubhouse. Whatever happened afterwards doesn't change the fact that the players chose to ignore him. Anyway this is all old news, there isn't anything he can do to change it now.
  9. Could be, but he shouldn't need his GM to back him up in order for him to control the clubhouse. It was a team full of stars though, and they knew they could ignore him.
  10. 100% true. From what we are told he opposed it, but was too weak to stop it.
  11. Fiona Hill is sneaky hot. She has a book out I think, I saw her on Judy Woodruff's show a few nights ago.
  12. That reminds me of Lary Sorensen, and how everyone was wondering how the heck he kept getting his license back.
  13. Happy Thanksgiving!
  14. Definitely. Why would you do that to your family?
  15. That's a startling claim, that "no one could have done any better". Canada, which has had some major screwups and is still struggling in the west, has 789 deaths per million of population. The United States has 2,202. The rest of the world was staring, jaws dropped, at how stupid he is. He led the country to almost 3 times as many deaths as a sensible person would have. The 734,000 deaths should have been 250,000, if he had handled it as poorly as we did.
  16. Yeah I don't think I'm paying Boyd $7 million.
  17. I would have said 85%
  18. Yes, exactly. He seems to have figured things out now with 2 monster years out of the past 3, his teammates love him and the only worry is a defensive dropoff in 2 or 3 years that takes him off shortstop, him being 31 as of a couple of days ago.
  19. I like Semien, and you might be right about him wanting to play short again. I'm really not sold on Correa, he has only stayed healthy for two full seasons and he's part of the crew that exposed Hinch's leadership weakness in Houston.
  20. Hey you guys Fiona Hill is on Judy Woodruff right now.
  21. Correa has only played more than 110 games in a season twice. I would be worried about that.
  22. It is only the people with the very fattest butts who will not move out of the way.
  23. Minor league coaching positions don't have much job security. Details at 11.
  24. I hit lefthanded, so a ball hit to left field was a foul ball. Same thing for righthanded hitters, balls to right field were foul.
  25. And get someone with experience
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