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Jim Cowan

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Everything posted by Jim Cowan

  1. Brandon Inge could hit a ball up to the highest point of that dome with a fungo bat. He could also dunk a basketball, bowl a 300 game, impregnate your sister, and unite all the Christian denominations.
  2. I like Alexander. He feels like a throwback, a lefty whose fastball tops at 89 and who throws offspeed crap all day. He is a nice contrast to the max effort flamethrowers and I want to reserve the number 4 spot in the rotation for him. He is the sort of guy about whom they used to say "He screws up your timing for a week".
  3. It's feeling like he's going to be short by about 5. Maybe that will motivate him in the off season.
  4. Do it before the season, do it in real time, it doesn't matter either way, they are both dead simple. Real time has the advantage in that it is possible that not everybody on a major league roster in September got measured pre-season. But it is not important and does not detract from the necessity of the electronic strike zone. And yes, as teenagers a lot of us would be up there hoping for something halfway up between the belt and the letters, to hammer with those level swings that were beaten into us. Like Henry Aaron's swing. That pitch never ever gets called a strike now and it does change everyone's hitting approach.
  5. Just do it in real time, it takes less than 5 seconds. Make the batter stand still, no crouching, and define the top and bottom of the zone. If Rickey wants to crouch after that, that's fine, but his strike zone is defined by his standing posture. You don't need a human to do it, just a fixed position camera near each dugout with some recognition software.
  6. Electronic strike zone is 10 years overdue. Do it. Also, let's calibrate the vertical strike zone based on each batter's height, knees slightly flexed, so that Rickey Henderson can't duck under it. You still need a home plate umpire for checked swings, plays at the plate and so on. But this nonsense about every umpire having his own strike zone is ridiculous.
  7. I made it there once, for a weekend in 1975, to see that dreadful 57 win team. I loved the stadium, the whole atmosphere. The green seats were amazing to see when you walked down the ramp. Amazingly a lot of the 68 team was still there...Stanley, Horton, Freehan and some others I think. And Ron LeFlore. And for all you fans of Danny Meyer and Leon Roberts, they were there too.
  8. Yeah, you're gone pal.
  9. C'mon Mig. 17 more hits. Let's see some hustle.
  10. A fastball that has to be surgically extracted.
  11. I hope that at some point on the weekend the circumstances are just right for burying a fastball in Merrifield's ribs.
  12. Reyes' OPS since the all star game is .856
  13. So, just where the hell have you been?
  14. I saw that photo, Tony Martin is 35 and he looks more like 60.
  15. Same for me, 1962, but just to prove that there is a God, the AM station in Niagara Falls, Ontario picked up the WJR baseball broadcast in 1962 and 1963. So, for my first two years it was Ernie and Paul loud and clear every night, and I drew up a scoresheet and sat at the kitchen table. After 1963 I had to take the kitchen radio out into the back yard and find a spot with faint reception and minimal static.
  16. Is it too soon to give up on Tony Giarratano? He's still only 38.
  17. Yes and Alcantara was glove-ready, and probably some other guys that I have already forgotten.
  18. Hey Kirk, if you are going to take proprietary information out onto the field, take care of it properly. PS nice build!
  19. I had never even heard of cards until yesterday. I don't see a problem. A quarterback can have a list of plays taped to his wrist.
  20. For some reason when I see that 68 road uniform the player that I think of is Dick McAuliffe.
  21. Earlier ranks could be "know-it-all", "pain-in-the-ass", etc.
  22. Lol White Sox. Enjoy the rest of your day LaRussa you puke.
  23. Oh yeah I liked the 0-2, up and in
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