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Jim Cowan

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Everything posted by Jim Cowan

  1. He's the second coming of Fernando Vina. He does all the little things that don't show up in the box score.
  2. I'm just about to. I was 100% in equities (index funds) until last week, and sold it all because Govt of Canada 10 year is above 4% for the first time In 15 years. So I am buying some of that, some Province of Ontario, and some corporates at around 6% although the corporates that I have access to are callable.
  3. It's hard to think of a scenario where a 40 man spot is used on Nevin.
  4. Jimmy Kimmel's writers came up with this, that Don Jr and Eric would be tried as adults.
  5. I don't like stats that I can't figure out for myself. I like the hitting slash line numbers, and I like WHIP and K9. If I have to trust a third party to figure out wOBA, or defensive runs saved, it comes from someone's black box, like OE%. I still don't like WAR because of the time that it proved that the best player in the league was Zobrist.
  6. When I was about 12 I took a book out of the library, Baseballs Greatest Players. Written in the early 60's it had Musial and Williams and all the others, and their stats were in an appendix at the back. I looked at Williams' career and I thought wow, imagine how great he could have been if he didn't take all those walks.
  7. Still have never opened an account.
  8. Everybody said at the time of the Cabrera trade was that the Tigers gave up Maybin, Miller, and a bunch of junk that nobody cared about.
  9. Deuteronomy is a rich source too.
  10. An outsider looking in would say that this is very important. An outsider looking in would add that what needs to be included with that thought is the glorification of violence throughout the origin stories of the United States. That is what is truly unique, compared to other countries.
  11. I think that they had their weed FedEx'd to Matt Anderson's house.
  12. Uh oh...a lefthanded hitter who hit a home run off a lefthander.
  13. Roger Clemens once caused a disturbance at a golf course in Toronto, the kid behind the counter wanted him to pay $60 like everybody else, and he didn't think he should have to.
  14. Perhaps, but the point I was trying to make is that 250 grand is such a chicken**** amount of money for him to forfeit his integrity over. If the loan was for 2 million I would understand it better. I also think that your comment would apply better if he were exploiting someone by using their money, when in this case he is clearly the one being exploited.
  15. I hope that they are all OK
  16. Wait...after a long and highly-paid career, he doesn't have 250 grand of his own?
  17. The ball makes a different sound off Alvarez' bat.
  18. After a fantastic year at Erie in 2022, Perez was injured in March 2023. He did some rehab in Lakeland, went to Erie...and stayed there, where it would seem that he had nothing left to prove. He didn't play AAA until the end of July. I found that to be very odd. When he got to Toledo, he played 20 games in the outfield, and 14 at 2B. I don't have any specific quotes from the organization. That's because I've never heard any of them ever mention him at all. After his year in Erie last year, I wanted him to start the year at 2B at Toledo, and get called up at the All Star break. In hindsight it is clear that that was never going to happen. Management doesn't seem to love Wenceel as much as we do.
  19. Holy **** is he ever stupid.
  20. Management doesn't seem to love Wenceel as much as we do.
  21. She was never my attorney. Have you looked at her? She could never have been my attorney.
  22. So, man among boys at the AFL. Lions vs. Christians. It's good to see. In which league does he start in 2024?
  23. Yes and I think that his value is not going to improve, he just can't strike people out, his K/9 is from the 1970's.
  24. I'm seeing John Belushi in a killer bee outfit.
  25. LOL "sweeper", I don't recall having seen that description before this year...actually, before June this year. It's like if you say "curve ball" you will be kicked out of the analytics frat and your street address will be published on a SABR chat room.
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