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Jim Cowan

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Everything posted by Jim Cowan

  1. Walter would have kicked his ass all over that backyard skating rink, he would have been horrified at the notion that Wayne didn't have enough money yet and needed to shill for bookies. He was a legendary fundraiser and community volunteer, and all these years after his death he still has a reserved parking space at Brantford Arena, that's how much they think of him. Wayne is a tremendous disappointment.
  2. He wrote some kickass marching band tunes.
  3. As of February 2024, there will be no more athletes or other celebrities in gambling ads in Ontario. Up your ass Gretzky.
  4. No. But our moron provincial premier is trying to make the public system worse, to make privatization seem more attractive.
  5. "The folds of her belly fat".
  6. There are lots of thing wrong with the Ontario medical system, and that moron premier of ours is deliberately making it worse. Having said that, my wife pays $4.11 for each prescription (drugs are covered if you are over 65) and she just had cataract surgery on both eyes for $640 (had to pay for the lenses and the measurement test).
  7. If you read that story without the park being identified, and then were asked at whose park the incident occurred, you would say "White Sox".
  8. Is it really at bats? Not plate appearances? He has 23 ABs already, with 38 games left he seems like a slam dunk to exceed 130.
  9. Good call, everyone needs a day off every now and then. Guys like Torkelson don't have to play 162, 150 would be fine. Who would play first? Somebody who isn't any good at it, like Ibanez.
  10. Hey there's Giancarlo Stanton, about whom I had forgotten entirely.
  11. I have known a few also. One of them said to me once "if you have to get cancer, pancreatic is the one that you want...relatively quick, relatively painless". I think that there have been some advances in treatment since his day.
  12. At 2B. And I have noticed Malloy at 3B again recently, I thought those days were gone. Keith needs to play either 2B or 3B, one or the other, next year and Malloy needs to get 400 PAs at OF/DH.
  13. I have been wondering that exact same thing, I have been wondering for a couple of years if a catcher thinks "anybody can play the outfield" because he played left once when he was 17 and it was no big deal.
  14. I think it's done because the team has failed at finding every day players, and they have no choice but to platoon, and they have a manager who can't resist what some here have called "mix and match" but which in fact is an obsession with being the smartest person in the room, which causes him to play Ibanez in right field. And it's fine, on a team as lousy as the 2023 Tigers it's not as though the manager cost them a World Series or anything.
  15. The guys on the pitching staff in Toledo are pretty awful. I've tried to learn their names but I forget them almost immediately.
  16. 30 pitch inning for Eduardo.
  17. Not every team obsesses about defensive versatility or L/R matchups. The Braves for example roll out the same 8 guys, plus a catcher, every night. That's the objective...find good players. And then stop trying to prove how clever you are in lineup construction.
  18. You should'of been more careful.
  19. How many hours did he stare into a mirror, rehearsing that pose?
  20. A combined 1-hitter, with only an unearned run.
  21. Manning is perfect through 2 innings on 25 pitches.
  22. Dave called him a fat tub of goo.
  23. Without going back and looking at my own posts, I don't think I was too bothered one way or the other. Keep him, sure, let him go, fine. Harris didn't think he was worth $7 million though, and obviously Hinch didn't either (notice how nobody ever calls out Hinch on this one?). For those who wanted to keep him, part of the rationale was that he was an asset that we could "flip at the deadline" and strengthen the organization, which proved to be 100% false - flip him, sure, but only for the pathetic garbage that the Nationals got. I think we might have finally learned that nobody wants a rental hitter at the deadline, unless you will accept Dawel Lugo in return. So retaining Schoop for example, hoping to rehab him enough to "flip him at the deadline", was a hopelessly flawed tactic and they should have just cut him loose during the winter. From now on if we are deciding to keep a hitter I don't think that "flip him at the deadline" should be part of the rationale.
  24. Public execution, with an acceptable bit of collateral damage.
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