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Jim Cowan

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Everything posted by Jim Cowan

  1. I am always grateful that I was never a teenaged girl whose surname was Hoover.
  2. This is a lot of fun.
  3. Scoreboard watching on September 20!
  4. That is what's fun...go and look it up eventually, but test our collective memory first.
  5. 1 run leads are not comfortable.
  6. That reminds me of a question on the old forum about 10 years ago...if you were starting a new team and could choose one player to build around, who would that be? Most people chose Trout, the sensible choice at the time. I took Lindor and was, quite rightly, buried in cow manure by my colleagues, which was then soaked with gasoline and set on fire. The answer today is Bobby Witt, isn't it?
  7. Yeah, probably just me being a d*ck
  8. This is somewhat awkwardly written, you could infer that "throwing a Maddux" included facing the minimum number of batters, which it does not. A Maddux is a complete game shutout with under 100 pitches. I know that he knows that, he intended "facing the minimum" to be an additional feature, not part of the Maddux.
  9. StanPapi was the greatest ever.
  10. Wasn't Florida part of his name?
  11. Wow, from the jaws of defeat.
  12. A pensioner who used to work here in Hamilton moved to San Diego and would call me a couple of times a year. I would always say "Hey Bob what's the temperature?" and he would say "75".
  13. I wanted them to trade Herndon and put Johnson in left.
  14. Wout Van Aert is cleaning up.
  15. Thanks! He's 36 now, still got a bit of juice left in the tank for a hilly course.
  16. Imagine the razzing you would get from your teammates if he struck you out. Like the nun in the wheelchair striking out Javier Baez.
  17. And I know that "pitching wins" is a horsecrap statistic, except for that one Steve Carlton year, but "20 game winner" would look good on Tarik Skubal.
  18. If you called 85 wins at the start of the year I like your chances.
  19. Tigers win. Yawn.
  20. Come on Foley don't f this up
  21. Holy sh*t there's Mickey Moniak!! Still in the major leagues.
  22. The back of that baseball card tells me that he was a better hitter than I remember. He was a good third baseman and all around player, in an era when Brooks Robinson set the standard of excellence at a pretty high level.
  23. .500 this late in August, I love it. And Madden's mom is hot? That's important.
  24. Here's Ibanez to face a lefty
  25. After 2 games at Cheeze Dix Park my tablet smells like urine.
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