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Jim Cowan

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Everything posted by Jim Cowan

  1. I don't think anybody said they hated him. I would just tell him that he's a pro now, so act like one, and for your own sake don't ever reveal that you have rabbit ears.
  2. Olson has 7 K's through 4 innings, on only 55 pitches. So far so good.
  3. Or, he might have fractured 15 bones in his body all at once on that one play.
  4. I don't really care for that, he needs a responsible adult to tell him to stop doing that. That needs to come right from Harris, right from the top, right now. This organization does not employ punks. Stop. Now.
  5. Brilliant. Avila's lasting gift is Hinch, whose in game management wins and gaffes result in a net zero effect on overall team performance. He is neither a positive nor a negative. He is a 0 WAR manager, like all the rest of them.
  6. Hey Lange the bus for Toledo leaves at 8:15. Be under it.
  7. Highlight of the day: Wenceel's first hit, first stolen base.
  8. Maeda got through 3 innings on 40 pitches, very efficient
  9. A pleasant surprise W!
  10. Manning is at 78 pitches...one more inning at most
  11. That Toledo lineup looks better than some Tigers teams of recent memory.
  12. Yeah, the good old days were almost 50 years ago now, but I was found in the bushes outside my university residence building, early on a Sunday morning, after having bought and consumed a lot of beer at the folk club on Saturday night, The legend was that it was 20 but realistically probably only 14.
  13. You see, I played this game, and I know a 100 mph fastball when I see one, and that's not a 100 mph fastball.
  14. Corrected to say first base coach, not third
  15. I know it's only spring training but when a guy gets picked off at second by such a ridiculous margin, does the third base coach not get his butt kicked up to his shoulders? Here is how you coach third base, with a runner at second: you yell at him YOU WATCH THE PITCHER! I'VE GOT THE SHORTSTOP AND THE SECONDBASEMAN!
  16. Lol!!! According to the late Norm Mcdonald nobody has a worse potty mouth than Uecker, which in my mind somehow makes him even funnier.
  17. Malloy gets on base, he's got a chance to find a spot. I read something a couple of days ago written by someone who didn't like his arm, which isn't a fatal flaw in LF.
  18. This is the legacy that Tim Scott, at one time respected, has chosen for himself. The Black man, grinning broadly, at Trump's KKK meeting.
  19. If your "joke" causes someone to receive death threats, it's not a joke.
  20. If you give in to Putin now, and concede Ukrainian territory, he will obliterate the rest of Ukraine within the next 12 years. It will all be Russia. So the only question that matters is, do you care?
  21. Did Rodgers apologize? I don't think so, I can't find it anywhere, does anyone have a link? I know who did apologize, it was Tank-Top Punter F-Head, for "his role" in the defamation. But Rodgers? I imagine that the first words out of his lawyers' mouths were "don't apologize". But if anyone has a link to a Rodgers apology I would like to see it. Even stupider than the defamatory statement is the whole idea that he would want to trade with Jimmy Kimmel. Why would anyone do that? Did he think that Kimmel would give him the faux-rival status of Matt Damon? What an a-hole.
  22. I still want there to be a difference between the 2 leagues. Late last season I looked at the top 10 hitters in the National League, and I didn't know any of their first names. That's how I want it, I don't want to care about the National League.
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