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Everything posted by VegasTiger

  1. No, more like wearing someone else's hood while they're wearing the jacket.
  2. I changed my registration form independent to Democrat in 2022. Now I get almost zero ads in the mail.
  3. And then...
  4. I read somewhere that if you replace your coffee with tea you can remove up to 93% of whatever joy is left in your miserable life.
  5. Had a Dr. appointment at 1:30 pacific so had to listen to the radio broadcast on my phone. Left this page open on my desktop and when I got home it said 200+ messages unread. All caught up now.
  6. That's how they do the VGK here.
  7. Maybe Holton's starting tomorrow?
  8. Of course. I wasn't the one that said they had low attendance.
  9. This could become a very interesting thread.
  10. I too have some doubts about the A's. Implosion of the hotel on the site is 10-9. As you can imagine, local TV covers it pretty well. I give it a 75/25 chance of happening.
  11. That's not really fair. The Raiders are sold out every game. They just have a small stadium.
  12. **** Jim Fregosi
  13. Hey, Rod Allen working for Ballys Miami.
  14. I agree it sucks the way this is going down but ngl I'm looking forward to some Tigers baseball 20 minutes from my house.
  15. This will mathematically eliminate the Rays. They have nothing to play for tomorrow.
  16. I can relate to this.
  17. Chisox lose #120. We're off the schnide.
  18. After noon, how quaint.
  19. This will be our inning.
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