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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. I realize the gentleman from Illinois is persona non grata in the Republican Party, I still like his argument.
  2. They just had to follow the trail of bad hair dye and gin bottles
  3. But I still stand by the sage advice given to my wife and I when we first began dating by Orson Bean. "Men vacuum, women dust". Best (and only) advice I've received from a celebrity.
  4. I see our Governor is onboard with requiring government employees back to the office. Not to improve efficiency but to boost ridership on the Metro https://www.13newsnow.com/article/news/local/virginia/virginia-governor-federal-workers-biden/65-673a8204-fb6c-46c9-8ca6-9dbc2178b879
  5. A bit like old tourists traps. Anyone driving I-95 near the SC/NC border remembers South of the Border. How many folks actually stopped there?
  6. Yep, considering that one of the ESPN reporters who happened to witness the event was asked by the remaining officers if they knew the name of the man they just hauled off.
  7. I can't buy this excuse. They certainly should be aware of the positions they (or their spouse) holds. The Trump Brain Worm has taken hold of so called conservatives.
  8. Saw the video (all three plus minutes). I respectfully allow my post be stricken from the official record. But MTG is still a 13 year old at heart.
  9. Pretty much all of this. While the pardon did play a small part in my decision nearly 50 years ago as a 24 year old, gimmicks like WIN (Whip Inflation Now) buttons, the after effects of the Arab Oil Embargo of 1973 and '74 also played a role.
  10. That's akin to the arguments I've heard around here about planned housing developments. These developments have been on the books for years and are easily findable with a quick search of the county's master plan. Complaining when you see the construction equipment arrive is a bit late. I don't buy the "I've been here all my life argument". Who did you or your parents inconvenience by moving here? The other one that gets me is when heirs put farmland up for sale they complain about the nearby cities expanding (which is usually a bit racist). You want to keep the "riff raff" out, buy the property yourself.
  11. Your Friday moment of zen
  12. Both Alito and Thomas need to recuse themselves in the Trump cases...and resign
  13. Here’s the part of the interview that he mentions pardoning Trump. It would have been a political calculation. Accepting a pardon is an admission of guilt. If there was a condition that Trump would drop out of the race and retire quietly to Florida or wherever and stay out of the limelight yes. In that same scenario Biden would probably not run for a second term. Neither is going to happen in the real world of 2024
  14. The Right Wing Snake Oil Salesmen are already working to derail the debates.
  15. That would mean that if Trump accepted the pardon, that would have technically been an admission of guilt. The only way Biden could have even considered issuing a pardon would be if Trump had promised never to run for public office (even dog catcher) again. Trump's ego would never allow that.
  16. Unfortunately the only way to get to bullies like Trump or his minions is to stoop to their level. Otherwise you get labeled as soft. Personally instead of a debate I would prefer a duel. Are they still legal in NJ?
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