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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. First wildcard. Penix to the Falcons
  2. I don't get it either. When we lived there I was under the impression that most of the paying fans were in the NW suburbs. Arlington Race Course, to me was always the perfect location. There's a METRA stop close by, enough parking for those from South Barrington or Lake Forest to park. Halas Hall is a lot closer. They'd be better off building at the Gary Airport, or better yet the Thornton Quarry. There is already a ready made hole there
  3. I have a feeling they’re going to send it back to the lower court and kick the can past the election
  4. He has a point...
  5. Do they want him back now that Stafford is quickly approaching his use by date?
  6. The most impactful moves for the weekend will probably be locking up Sewell and St Brown for several years. Anything else will be gravy. Now to come to terms with Goff
  7. Basically you had to leave the market and uproot your family if you wanted to stay employed in the industry. In my case I knew in advance the station group was switching services since they had just recently acquired the competition. In hindsight, it did seem a bit funny to me that after serving the non compete time, and then some I did work at the second company for a while. On my last day there the announcement came that the two companies were merging.
  8. It's gotta be the shoes
  9. I had to deal with the NC in Chicago as a traffic reporter. There were two companies in town at the time and both enforced the policy. So basically I had to find other employment for a year in order to make a move. The upside for me was I decided what I was doing between media jobs was more fun than dealing with the politics of my old job. I also figured out without the hour plus commute both ways I was coming out ahead of the game.
  10. As someone who was hemmed in by Non Compete Clauses, I wish this came 25 years ago.
  11. Evidently Monday night was the first time the Giants used the entrance https://www.mercurynews.com/2024/04/23/sf-giants-new-hollywood-like-lighting-catches-camilo-dovals-attention/
  12. Imagine you're the Giants bullpen catcher and this happens. Fortunately he caught the ball in the dark, but not a great situation. I imagine some intern may received a stern talking to. (If indeed it was an intern in charge of the lights)
  13. There's a movement afoot to start chanting right after Chicago picks their QB.
  14. If he goes it will either be a five star rated prison or he'll be confined to Trump Tower with an ankle bracelet made of solid gold
  15. There were several Democratic Primaries on the ballot as well.
  16. It's the limo ride to his NJ golf course where he can ride a golf cart that takes up time.
  17. Yet Jesse still thinks Trump is strong enough to endure the Presidency. If the Big Guy is cold, he needs to buy some Long John's, very simple, even a Republican could do it
  18. I can see the Jesse Watters chyron now... TRUMP HELD HOSTAGE BY LIBERAL JUDGE
  19. BTW Happy Disinfectant Injection Day to those who celebrate
  20. I think he wants to be locked up. He wants to play the martyr.
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