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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. Interesting article in The Athletic about Diamond Baseball Holdings buying several minor league teams in recent years including the Lugnuts. https://theathletic.com/5408834/2024/04/15/minor-league-baseball-team-ownership-diamond-baseball-holdings/?source=freedailyemail&campaign=601983&userId=213687 Reading the comments there were some good thoughts on the plus and minuses of private equity starting to move into that area of the sport. I've got mixed emotions, but if they are able to standardize to a certain extent the quality of the fan experience side of game (minor league) and work with clubs and franchise cities on ballpark improvement and that rather leaving it up to several individual owners it might be a good thing. Especially after watching the ongoing fiasco in Richmond, I'm all for it for now.
  2. Anything to appease MTG and friends
  3. Just wondering how jury selection is conducted in NYC. Are both sides limited to the number of jurors they can select or is Trump's strategy to reject everyone and hope for a mistrial.
  4. Just like Infrastructure Week under The Former (now indicted several times) Guy
  5. BTW Inter City Press (intercitypress) is doing a good job on XTwitter
  6. A Gentleman in Moscow. Count Alexander Ilyich Rostov (played by Ewan McGrgor) is imprisoned in a luxury hotel in Moscow following the October Revolution. Interesting historical fiction
  7. Ohio State Spring FB game
  8. Straight out of Central Casting. Who's paying for these props?
  9. I'm convinced Angel Hernandez is on the take from companies that manufacture the robo home plate umpires... https://x.com/umpireauditor/status/1779005111525867814?s=61&t=akgNyUltuSb7RN54lulxTw
  10. Knowing the Tigers High Level brass we could have another Hindenburg on our hands. It might be better to house the company jet at Coleman Young to ferry players. It's about a 15 minute drive and a smaller corporate jet would be faster than a giant balloon
  11. It's early April and if my memory serves me well several of the weekday day games this early in the season cater to a lot of youth groups. Whether the Tigers give away the tickets or sell them at a discounted price. Given there was quite a bit of chatter on this board Wednesday evening about the possibility of the game being postponed and the forecast's likelyhood of rain in the forecast, the powers that be decided they would be better off calling the game rather than have a couple thousand youngsters in the stands, or halfway to the ballpark and then call the game. It allowed the groups, schools or whatever to reschedule their plans, possibly use a cancelation clause with their transportation providers. The kids and chaperones still get a ticket to a future event. It also saves the team from criticism and grief from parents whose kids may of had to sit thru possible delays. As opposed to criticism from a couple moron message board posters.
  12. These are not serious people. Example 4112024
  13. Wasn't it last year storms knocked out several trees during play? God's wrath about the whole PGA/LIV split
  14. Bates was in the Houston Texans training camp this past season and was cut after one game when he missed an extra point. He's also hasn't kicked outside yet this season or anywhere but Ford Field. I assume once the season is over NFL teams will be allowed to contact him (or his agent) directly. They just can't do it during the season. Also looking at his college stats at Texas Tech and Arkansas all he did was kick off. There are no FG attempts in his stats. But who knows, he could become the next Garo Yepremian https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/ufl-coach-accuses-nfl-teams-of-breaking-this-rule-with-standout-ufl-player-theyre-not-supposed-to-do-that/
  15. Does he qualify as a natural born US Citizen? The Constitution doesn't mean born again
  16. I found it interesting that the religious question makes a big difference in this particular model. If I put in Protestant the split is 75-25 Trump for my demos. Agnostic makes it 50/50. I used to classify myself a back pew Presbyterian, I'm not so sure what I am now. Playing with it a bit more, any religious belief tends to heavy favor Trump in 65+. Atheist leans heavily toward Biden, who is a practicing Catholic.. Agnostic shows the scales 50/50. Trump's background had him in the Presbyterian Church in his younger days under the leadership of Norman Vincent Peale (which explains a lot). Now he claims to be evangelical if pressed. In truth he worships money and power.
  17. This is a fun tool. I have no clue how useful or accurate it may be https://www.economist.com/interactive/us-2024-election/build-a-voter?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
  18. What's next? Disallowing women to have their own checking account or credit statement. How about denying their right to purchase a home, car..certain jobs...or even vote. The Family First Party will only be happy when women remain barefoot and pregnant
  19. Now that we've survived the eclipse, it's time to embrace The Great Cicada Invasion. It looks like Michigan will be spared, Chicago and Northern Illinois may be close to Ground Zero. There is nothing like hearing the crunch of Cicada shells on the sidewalk while you walk https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/a-double-brood-of-periodical-cicadas-will-emerge-in-2024/
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