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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. Does he qualify as a natural born US Citizen? The Constitution doesn't mean born again
  2. I found it interesting that the religious question makes a big difference in this particular model. If I put in Protestant the split is 75-25 Trump for my demos. Agnostic makes it 50/50. I used to classify myself a back pew Presbyterian, I'm not so sure what I am now. Playing with it a bit more, any religious belief tends to heavy favor Trump in 65+. Atheist leans heavily toward Biden, who is a practicing Catholic.. Agnostic shows the scales 50/50. Trump's background had him in the Presbyterian Church in his younger days under the leadership of Norman Vincent Peale (which explains a lot). Now he claims to be evangelical if pressed. In truth he worships money and power.
  3. This is a fun tool. I have no clue how useful or accurate it may be https://www.economist.com/interactive/us-2024-election/build-a-voter?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
  4. What's next? Disallowing women to have their own checking account or credit statement. How about denying their right to purchase a home, car..certain jobs...or even vote. The Family First Party will only be happy when women remain barefoot and pregnant
  5. Now that we've survived the eclipse, it's time to embrace The Great Cicada Invasion. It looks like Michigan will be spared, Chicago and Northern Illinois may be close to Ground Zero. There is nothing like hearing the crunch of Cicada shells on the sidewalk while you walk https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/a-double-brood-of-periodical-cicadas-will-emerge-in-2024/
  6. Seeing eye single..rbi
  7. The quiet part out loud...
  8. I might have been persuaded to give Rittenhouse a bit of slack if he had quietly disappeared after his trial. The fact he is touring the country, probably collecting significant speaking fees and generally cashing in on his fame is enough for me to continue to condemn him
  9. Was just checking Baseball Reference, Tork's similarity score at age 23 is equal to Anthony Rizzo. I'd be ok with that career
  10. You could possibly add Virginia since Gov FleeceVest vetoed a bill that would protect women from being deported back to their home states for having a legal abortion in Va (if their home state banned it). It also puts doctors at risk as well
  11. They stand on the edge of the parking lot, violin, amp (battery powered), music usually provided by a recording, probably on a thumb drive, and they fake it. The music was continuous and too perfect (classical) to be anything else. His sign says he's a real violinist trying to feed his family. I get it, better than your standard pan handler, but if he's that good....
  12. Listening to fake violinist is local market parking lot. My wife ran into the store for a few items and we had dog in tow. I was really tempted to offer him a gig tonight just to see his reaction.
  13. I've spent about 50 years or so of my life navigating the PA Turnpike. Six hours in on a highway is still 6 hours. Still would rather deal with te Turnpike than sit in traffic on 80/94
  14. Yea, but the drive from Philadelphia to Pittsburgh takes as long as the drive from Detroit to Chicago.
  15. Not baseball, but take a look at the recent goings on in DC with the Caps and the Wizards. Va's Governor made a deal with the owner to move the teams across the river to Alexandria. That raised a bit of an uproar since a large portion of fans live in Maryland. The site was also in a very congested area. The state general assembly kills the funding bill and the owners and DC come to agreement within a week or so. The General assembly has also been screwing around with the Commanders new stadium location. With the new owner, it will be interesting to see what transpires. Meanwhile in Richmond, who knows what's happening on the baseball park front.
  16. The running earthquake joke on the platform formerly known as Twitter (outside the MTG take) is the fact the earthquake center was only a few miles from DJT's golf course. Someone rolling in her grave???
  17. Mitch is complicit as much as DJT & Co
  18. "A pizza walks into the ballpark...."
  19. Craig is way too pumped. He's like that guy three rows behind you who never shuts up during the game. They need to give him some tranquilizers before the game.
  20. There are some people who should never ever be aloud to talk politics on TV. The guy jumped the shark when he hooked up with Pam Anderson and has gone downhill since
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