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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. Combining the on line customer service discussion with our internet issues. I complained to the local cable monopoly over FB last night with a terse but somewhat polite complaint about their lack of updates on the issue. It wasn't a post in the comment section but a direct message. I got a response, and someone walked us thru the process of getting the service back on line. At least they have someone watching social media if not their actual website.
  2. This is what I was referring to and MegaH failed to properly defend, despite tying himself into a pretzel. They talk a good game concerning "Free Speech" but their actions show otherwise. https://www.thebulwark.com/p/jd-vance-free-speech-hypocrisy-munich-security-conference-berates-europe-democracy?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
  3. Way back during the winter of '79-80 the radio station in Richmond my wife worked for purchases an International Scout to handle expected snows. We had received a couple of "heavy storms" the year before and early 1980 proved just as bad for the area. The Scout wasn't bad except for one flaw. The wiper blade on the drivers side broke during one storm We had to use a safety pin until they got it fixed
  4. My Pinto performed much better in the snow. And I could add chains if necessary
  5. The businesses want most transactions done on line to ease the cost of having to hire bodies.
  6. Interesting. When the Virginia House of Burgess proposed something similar (a day of fasting, humiliation and prayer in May of 1774 in support of Boston residents who were being punished because a band of ruffians dumped tea into the Boston Harbor. Members were to "devoutly implore the divine interposition for averting the heavy calamity that threatens the destruction of our Civil Rights and the evils of Civil War The Royal Governor disbanded the elected House because only the King (also head of the church) could declare a day of prayer. The act lead up to a meeting at nearby Raleigh Tavern where many members gathered and proposed a creation of a committee to communicate with other colonies...
  7. I just penciled that week on my calendar. They're only an hour away. I do need to see more live games. I hate traveling to Norfolk, I hate the traffic and with construction starting on a new casino nearby parking will be at a premium. It also seems my doctors appointments at Duke and baseball don't align in Durham
  8. We've got a couple of flights coming up in the next 45 days or so and I'm a bit leery. We're coming into Detroit this weekend on the heels of a big snow forecast Wednesday and Thursday ( last forecast 6 plus inches for Richmond). It's a family thing as well as a work thing for my wife. Neither one of us want to drive in that mess plus my wife's recent knee replacement makes it hard to drive long distances. Then is an 8 day cruise the end of March out of Fort Lauderdale. Still a lot of driving on top of hotel and parking fees. It's our first cruise, so we'll see.
  9. For those who slept thru or skipped civics class....the last part of this in bold
  10. Look at their words..Trump has already taken CBS to court, banned AP from the White House traveling pool. You support him. Your a hypocrite troll Prove me wrong
  11. Hypocritical troll
  12. But the guys you voted for would love to censor and imprison people and organizations that disagree with them. How do you square that thinking and not come across as a hypocrite Or a major troll. You tend to say one thing and support another
  13. Sounds more like a Trumpers lament to me. Once again why do you answer a question with a question. It just shows your not a serious person
  14. Our interned has been over 24 hours now. Yesterday they kept giving us time estimates...pushing everything back in three hour increments. Today the have seemed to go into hibernation. I hate having a utility with no competition. The Cell companies 5 G services don't cut it either
  15. So you oppose a free press Freedom to worship whatever dirty you choose Truth about slavery and African American history People who don't think like you or have different experiences I get it Back to ignore
  16. That's not what I asked. I asked how YOU felt about it.
  17. So how do you feel about Orbanism. That's probably where we're heading
  18. February 17
  19. You coveniently left out the part about "with help from France". Now I'm not advocating "boots on the ground" in Ukraine. We learned our lesson in Korea and Viet Nam among other places. But you keep spouting Putin's rhetoric
  20. Big Brother is in charge if they can do it to government employees the rest of us are just as vulnerable
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