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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. Or ships from Massachusetts
  2. Tale of two campaigns
  3. 1836…Battle of San Jancinto, Sam Houston defeated Santa Anna to win Texas Independence.
  4. That’s what happens when you assign scheduling to AI
  5. Maybe when they get a bit older. The region is very family friendly. One of the plans on the drawing board (not CW related) is an indoor sports complex in an effort to draw travel teams.
  6. Expand the trip. Spend a couple of days in Williamsburg. Patrick Henry was known to throw a wicked curve ball
  7. Just curious if anyone has seen or heard any rumblings concerning 4/19. My wife mentioned seeing or hearing some concern about that date in her conversations. She's definitely not into "wacky" theories but is involved with things like the America 250 celebration and some semi political groups pushing civility in politics, particularly the National Governors Association push to "argue better". Anyway, the theory goes like this April 19 is a red letter day for some radical groups. The Battles of Lexington and Concord began on this date in 1775. 4/19/1993 was the date of the Oklahoma City bombing. Waco happened in 1993. Columbine in 1999. There are a couple of other dates that could be construed as important by conspiracy minded people. It might be a good day to stay in bed.
  8. I go back to the 1270 Points thing. Got sucked in and never left.
  9. What? Nothing on the schedule to brush up his war paint?
  10. C-Mo needs to get out of broadcaster mode and relax...
  11. Don't know about the split between the leagues and teams. The blackout has been in place for as long as I remember. Personally on the plus side, TMobile has had a deal with MLBfor the past few years. It won't help you in Michigan with the Tigers, but there's free baseball here in the Old Dominion unless you want the Nats or Os
  12. Here's an overview of MLB's blackout rules. https://www.sportingnews.com/us/mlb/news/mlb-blackout-restrictions-map-2023-baseball-games/m843wsljyvrrdmf50zjhusre This has been going on for years. Protecting the regional cable monopolies.
  13. Everything is a conspiracy....
  14. I wonder if the Steelers think they can utilize Fields similar to what they did with Kordell Stewart.
  15. I keep going back to Jesus chasing the money changers from the temple...same principle. I never trust anyone who tries to make big bucks out of religion
  16. Now it looks like Hampton Roads (Norfolk, Va) will see the bulk of traffic from the incident. That means a huge increase of trucks hauling containers along I64, just in time for the Spring and Summer tourist season. Happy Happy, Joy Joy
  17. An interesting FB comentary from a retired marine engineer, at least from looking at the released footage. It looks like they set the ship up for a turn after the power came back on after the first blackout, then they lost power for the second time. The rudder was hard down for the turn, maximum power on the prop. The ship was aimed for the middle of the span, when the power went down for the second time, lots of energy in the turn and the rudder was locked hard down from the lack of power.... No way to steer without power. Possibly primary and backup power systems malfunctioned (my thoughts). It was a case of cascading failures. When was the last time this ship was inspected.
  18. I've seen estimates of 30 thousand vehicles daily across the FSK Bridge. Very fortunate that the accident happened in the middle of the night and not during peak hours. I don't know whether the scheduled roadwork had any impact, but they were given enough notice to be able to stop traffic. From what I've heard only workers were on the bridge. It could have been much worse
  19. From what I'm hearing the vehicles on the bridge were part of a road crew patching potholes. There was a radio message, I believe, to close the bridge. I'm not sure how much time occurred between the message and the collision.
  20. I prefer the original as opposed to the Disneyfied remake
  21. I guess Thou Shall Not Kill and Love thy neighbor is no longer in these folks bibles
  22. Especially since the pilot and crew were locals familiar with the harbor and the river. There were no crew members aboard the ship at the time. But, let's ban foreign flagged cargo ships.
  23. The TMobile/MLB pass dropped today. My chance to get free games from MLB.Com
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