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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. Real Men of Genius; Businessman version
  2. Props to Rod Wood for being fairly transparent. This was basically all the team could do.
  3. Is Flag Football permitted? The new NFFL Flag Football League
  4. Pure American Genius...
  5. In order to form a more perfect Union ???
  6. What do you think of someone like Tony Bennett (UVa) looks like he needs a change of scenery.
  7. These sites seem to be legit..
  8. More from the Trumpian Oligarchs
  9. Not to rub it in, but nearly 60 and overcast. Cooler than earlier this week. The monsoon is expected tomorrow with 2 plus inches of rainfall expected. The good news is the rain should help with the spate of wildfires in the western mountains
  10. And another one bites the dust
  11. So Biden "forgot" about the documents while Trump would regularly show them off to every Tom, Richard and Ivan. Lied about having them and tried to obstruct their recovery. Two wrongs may not make a right but one of the wrongs puts them in the John and Arthur Walker category. That's at least 25 years minimum in my book
  12. There have been time where I would have liked to challenge some of those "armchair GM's" to play a couple of seasons in an APBA or similar draft league. I'm to old and crotchety for that drama now
  13. It's probably a numbers game and a chance for Manning to work on a few more things
  14. Just more performance. No actual governing from the majority party
  15. Everything Trump touches.....
  16. Posting without comment because I can't think of any polite words
  17. Every time someone tries to legislate election funding, Big Business cries freedom of speech.
  18. Meanwhile while we're "discussing" the level of illegality of classified documents. Nobody wants to talk about the fact that UNoHoo's daughter and son in law walked out of the White House with a $2 Billion deal with Saudi Arabia for who knows what. Yet the Crazy Party in Congress wants to hang the current occupant of the White House for something his son allegedly did but can't prove.
  19. Nixon was in his second term, not eligible for election.
  20. Probably, we're a lot more divided today than it seemed back then. 7 Republican members of the House Impeachment Committee voted to impeach.
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