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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. My mother will be gone 20 years late next week. I can't remember the exact day. I remember the circumstances and events around her passing. The same with my dad 4 years later. I can't give you the exact date but I can tell you about the call from my sister...
  2. Unfortunately the judge in this case is on Trump's payroll. It will never see the light of day.
  3. I think I lost any real desire to gamble when I was 12. New kid in school from a northern state. I bet a bunch of new buddies about $15 on the Yankees winning the World Series. They were playing the Cardinals. A couple of years later FritoLay big promotional line was "Bet You Can't Eat Just One". I had a $50 bet on that one. I was 14, my parents caught wind and tried to sabotage it by stuffing several bags of chips in my foot locker for Scout Camp. I was rooming with the guy and we agreed to call it off about 6 months into it. I've made a few bets on horse racing, I have the knack of picking one that's great out of the gate but gets lost down the stretch. Forget casinos, I feel like I just need to hand $50 to some random person and head to the bar. I come out ahead that way.
  4. DJT was sent to NY Military Academy in 8th grade. He graduated high school from there.
  5. It was also an era when incorrigible young males were sent to military schools if the parents could afford it. Fork Union was a popular place in our juristiction.
  6. There are some really nice areas Southside, you need to explore around University of Chicago or the Museum of Science and Industry. But that would be considered Lake Front, I guess. Hyde Park used to be nice, checking Zillow it's still out of my league
  7. I get it. Anything from LSD or the tracks east is the lakefront. It makes sense
  8. I agree for the most part. I always thought the Arlington Park Race Track was a great location for a stadium. You forgot about the grief the Obama Library received from the Friends of the Lake as well. Where exactly does Southside Chicago actually start. Our time there was spent mostly in the western suburbs. My wife's job was in Streeterville. I spent a lot of time either commuting to what used to be Palwaukee Airport or the Merchandise Mart. Anything south of Grant Park was always "Southside" in my mind as a foreigner
  9. Seeing reports that the Bears are now looking at a site in Southside Chicago for their new stadium. https://bleacherreport.com/articles/10112525-bears-rumors-new-2b-stadium-to-be-built-in-chicago-south-of-soldier-field I wonder if they've talked to the Sox about going in on this dream of a sports complex.
  10. I think I'm starting to worry more about Republicans demanding to use my kitchen than any so called undocumented workers.. https://www.waff.com/2024/03/08/madison-county-murder-suspect-now-facing-sex-abuse-charges/
  11. Republicans and Democrats actually working together (on a few bills). I'm old enough to remember this was how government worked
  12. According to the same folks who constantly dissed Obama for spending any time on a golf course. Biden ought to challenge him to a 6 minute walk followed by a mile bike ride and a putting contest at Camp David
  13. And as the story goes when Jesus was tempted by Satin during his time in the wilderness he turned him away. When Trump was tempted by Putin during his trips to Moscow he kissed his ass.
  14. Always sucks up to the guys who disdains democracy Is it me or just a coincidence Trump comes up with bond money when an anti-democracy leader visits.
  15. It's a practiced thing. It's called the Fundy woman voice. She's been taught to speak like a good submissive wife and mother
  16. She needs to work on her Fundy Wife voice
  17. Biden could channel his inner Churchill and MAGA's wouldn't be impressed. Trump could sound like PeeWee Herman and they would call it a great speech
  18. Looking forward to the rest of the album in May
  19. Like smoking, some habits are hard to break. Just like that ugly painting that gets handed down generation to generation. Or great great grandma's cranberry salad recipie
  20. It was pre-rebuttal but saw some speculation that Britt may have been on Trump's "short list" for VP candidates. I have a feeling that list is constantly changing, Britt was not MAGA enough for some supporters, but was liked by those who write checks. I've got a feeling she's no longer welcome in Florida
  21. Of course he's not up for re-election until 2028 or so...
  22. There are people that just have a particular party engrained into their DNA. For a lot it goes back to FDR and is handed down generation to generation. For whatever reason the Reagan GOP gene is extremely strong even though it has morphed into Gingrich and Trump versions.
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