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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. The Rolling Stone article links to the DOD report. https://media.defense.gov/2024/Jan/09/2003373440/-1/-1/1/DODIG-2024-044_REDACTED SECURE.PDF They were handing out uppers and downers and other stuff like it was Halloween Trick or Treat.
  2. Anybody looking for a part-time temp job? https://www.indeed.com/jobs?from=googlesl&q=bullpen+catcher&vjk=0fac070428d45328
  3. There was the Summer my wife said,"oh by the way I bought a tent". It was almost as large as my first apartment and would have been nice if the weather cooperated. First night we set up camp in Vermont, I had visions of being washed away in the deluge. Rain kept following us as we headed into Maine. The only decent day was one outside Boston. (BTW instead of kids we brought the dog) We managed two days there. We ended cutting our stay in Arcadia National Park by a day because we were tired of taking down a wet tent. A couple of years later we rented an RV to tour the UP. After a close encounter with a gas pump we had a decent trip (again with pup). We're talking about doing the Maritime providences this fall (I did NS and PEI about 50 years ago with my younger brother in a Pinto). I really need to start exploring VBRO's
  4. Just an observation after driving back roads from Williamsburg thru Fredericksburg and into Manassas Va. No Trump signs, 1 Haley sign (in Mechanicsville) and nada from Biden supporters. Lots of re-roofers, however
  5. The sad part is a lot of the MAGA’s I know rely on things like Medicare and Social Security. They complain about the high price of healthcare, but wait until they lose the bennies. Most of the ones who complain about the lack of so called Christian values rarely go to church. Those who do complain about leadership but do nothing to get involved in leadership. They won’t know what they’ve lost until it’s gone
  6. After 2016 I’m taking nothing for granted.
  7. As we were told in the 70’s during Vietnam Nam,if you don’t like it you’re free to leave. Go live with your hero’s Putin and Orban, etc
  8. Barry Goldwater is tossing in his grave
  9. For those interested the Lions Report https://nflpa.com/detroit-lions-report-card-2024
  10. You wold think THIS would give them some legitimacy https://history.state.gov/milestones/1945-1952/creation-israel#:~:text=On November 29%2C 1947 the,mandate was scheduled to end. In May 1946, Truman announced his approval of a recommendation to admit 100,000 displaced persons into Palestine and in October publicly declared his support for the creation of a Jewish state. Throughout 1947, the United Nations Special Commission on Palestine examined the Palestinian question and recommended the partition of Palestine into a Jewish and an Arab state. On November 29, 1947 the United Nations adopted Resolution 181 (also known as the Partition Resolution) that would divide Great Britain’s former Palestinian mandate into Jewish and Arab states in May 1948 when the British mandate was scheduled to end. Under the resolution, the area of religious significance surrounding Jerusalem would remain a corpus separatum under international control administered by the United Nations.
  11. I'll make it simple https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archaeology_of_Israel https://fathom.lib.uchicago.edu/1/777777190209/
  12. Does archeology count. There is evidence. Look it up.
  13. I spent a couple of years trying to supervise (on site) the drivers who worked for the company that had the monopoly on taxis and limos at DTW. This was about 12 years or so ago. My initial take is that these guys are not much different from your average MAGA
  14. My favorite so far
  15. Keep in mind it's still Michigan and there is probably a decent chance of snow on opening day
  16. I received on of those. Evidently after nearly 4 years I'm still on the Michigan voter rolls
  17. The only thing I'd change about this analogy is "When you see Trump with Putin, he's like the 12 year old boy who was just taken to the woodshed and just had his lunch money stolen "
  18. Hit them where it hurts, get it done Brandon...
  19. I'm seeing reports that registrars in Richmond (Va) are urging voters either to drop their ballot of at early voting sites or vote on Election Day (next week). Lovejoy's Postal Service has become very unreliable. Thanks Senile Donny
  20. Around here generally the venues that provide entertainment the louder the music the worse the entertainer. That's my unprofessional opinion. If the PA system is cranked to 11, it's time to leave and cross the place off our list. One can provide entrainment an still be heard at 5 or 6 We go to a couple of wineries on a fairly regular basis. The music is usually outside if the weather permits. The performer is off to the side, you can hear them but they're unobtrusive. One winery brings in local bands in the summer, sets them up outside. There's usually enough space for those who want to dance. If we know in advance we'll throw a couple of lawn chairs in the car and head out.
  21. When we lived there and qualified to vote as a senior citizen that was my preferred method. Head over to the locality's registrar's office on a morning off and get it done. It beat having to negotiate all those folks who had nothing else to do on Election Day but stand around and hold a sign on the actual day. Even in 2020 when everyone dropped out just before the Dem Primary day they allowed me to change my vote. Now I put my faith in the Postal Service
  22. The California Libertarian convention. RFK Jr received one vote in the straw poll. The rest of the names have to be fake...
  23. It's definitely the look of buyer's remorse. Or the first time as a kid you realized your parents had sex.
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