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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. There goes all hopes for a possible lung transplant. Thanks MAGA, I hope to haunt your dreams in the future
  2. Or it could be some of us are not great about staying in the lines the first time. Rather that crowd a neighboring car and risking dings or scratches we try to get it right the second time
  3. https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history
  4. We do make use of our points, it’s Marriott, when we travel. I really haven’t checked the difference in cost between points and paying going rate I figure it’s about the same. We’ve also used the Vacation Club here (Ford Colony) for family. Much easier than putting up in the house. My nieces had a girls weekend a couple of years ago and it was a good base. We’ve gotten to the point at our age we can’t justify adding any more and I’m not sure my grown son wants to take on the burden in the near future.
  5. No steak knives for him
  6. What did you expect about a guy who bragged about getting draft deferments for a bogus injury, had to be bailed out numerous times by his father, cheated on all his wives. Then with a straight face told us he knew nothing about Project 2025. We get what we probably deserve
  7. I'm not sure a lot of these folks go to church. They've just been brainwashed over the last 50 years or so by Rush Limbaugh and his disciples on the radio. Faux News on TV and the ongoing belief that anything left or Reagan and Newt are works of the devil It all goes back to the belief that those less fortunate than us are plotting to take away our stuff. Something the MAN has always told us.
  8. Let's hope they remember this if we make it to elections in 2026 and vote their MAGA reps out (Not holding my breath)
  9. Can we throw time share sales folks in with the mortgage bunch. We bought a couple weeks thru a "Vacation Club" about 20 years ago. Back when you could buy specific locations at set times of the year. Now they've gone to basically all points. "You can go where you want, when you want" provided there's something available. You still get hit with yearly "maintenance fees" and the number of points needed for each level keeps growing. "Your're at Presidental, you only need another 100 thousand points to reach Grand Poobah which qualifies you for free lifetime drinks at the Tiki Bar and access to a lifeboat on one of our "members cruises".... We are comfortable where we and don't want the hassle of trying to book a week we won't youse just so we can sell it on Red Week or something similar. And no I don't really care to sit thru another "presentation" for a $100 dollar gift card.
  10. February 15, https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history
  11. Was thinking about that the other day. Wondering whether something on the level of the Viet Nam War protests in the Fall of 1969. Organized efforts on college campuses, cities throughout the country followed by a big protest in Washington. It was all peaceful for the most part, there was a clash with police after the DC March, but no riots. Unfortunately it won't work today, the country is too fractured. Groups like the Proud Boys and other far right wing groups and similar groups on the left almost make it impossible (think Charlottesville). It would have to include significant representation from a wide spectrum of citizens.
  12. We had relatives going thru a whole mess of stuff like that. Especially pampered chef. That kind of stuff has been going on forever. I'm old enough to remember Sarah Coventry, Avon, Tupperware....
  13. So much winning...
  14. If they don't completely obliterate the constitution by then
  15. Yep, but where are you going to find enough honest Republicans in the House and Senate to do it. Cocaine Mitch had his chance 4 years ago and waffled...
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