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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. Forget the Swift/Kelce drama. Patrick Stewart singing along with Creed has the early lead in Super Bowl commercials
  2. For Commander fans Quinn is an upgrade over the corpse of Rivera.
  3. The end line about not learning that in high school was from JVL not the authors of the filing. But, I've been saying that here in Billsburg for the last couple of years. The information I've gleaned from the historian/actors here has been a total eye opener. Nothing close to what you find in public grade schools or most basic college government/history classes.
  4. nobody wants to go there
  5. From today's Bullwerk some interesting history on the 14th Amendment.... this is from a brief filed by Akil and Vikram Amar in the Trump 14th Amendment case... https://open.substack.com/pub/thebulwark/p/the-14th-amendment-wasnt-a-creative?r=45wcm&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email
  6. Another note on the Commanders/Johnson thing. Houston's Bobby Slowick, who also interviewed twice, decided to stick with his team. It makes you wonder whether the interview process in Washington raised a few red flags with the younger OCs. That and as of now Martin Mayhew still has the GM title, though that may change in the future. i wonder if Jay Gruden orBill Callahan are still available.
  7. i was just robocalled for a survey from my Congress Critter. i'm sure Congressman Rob "Shipyard" Whitman will have my name removed from the list. Unfortunately it was multiple choice, not true or false.
  8. i tend to agree. The Packers, Bears and Vikings are a step or two above UAlbany and Monmouth
  9. I don't think it hurts to take an interview. I've had calls from companies wanting to offer me jobs, went for the interview and after a couple of days contemplating a move felt it was in both of our best interests to pass. Now I don't know about Johnson's case in particular, maybe he decided that being a head coach in Washington put him under too much of a microscope at 37, 38 years old. Maybe after Detroit's run this season he felt that maybe one more year here would be moe beneficial to his career and his family's stability that keeping them in a stable environment in Detroit rather moving them to Northern Virginia or the Maryland suburbs. He's young, there will be other options if the Lions continue on their current tract.
  10. Everybody knows Jared Goff is a true Gecko
  11. Colin Cowherd has a great rant on the anti Swifties...basically telling them to get a life. Hey I can remember when Kid Rock would show up at hockey games with Pam Anderson. They seemed to get a bit of air time. And no one complained..
  12. Will the tour be sponsored by Metamucil?
  13. I thought he had plans to coach his high school team
  14. Biden's weaponized DOJ pursuing more criminal cases......
  15. Think Sheila reached a bit deeper into the coffers? Unfinished business
  16. Unfinished business?
  17. Most of the early mocks I've seen has the Lions at 29
  18. I can imagine. His time there was largely during the pandemic, mostly working out of his truck making regular visits to the site.
  19. He throws his first interception and you'll be all over his case about being a no good bum
  20. I think I read something that it's still over a year from opening? As an aside, my son was involved with the remediation of the land on the US side of the new bridge. He was basically supervising the cleanup of the property making sure it met standards. Basically most of not all the buildings that used to be there were just bull dozed over. He said it wasn't unusual to go several feet down and pull up parts of a mattress or such.
  21. Imagine trying to explain to the Trump zealots concepts like the international date line and such. I did see a report since Japan is something like 14 hours ahead of Las Vegas, she could actually do a show, hop a jet and make it to LV by game time.
  22. Same old Lions Fans... The team culture may have changed the trolls are just band wagon jumpers
  23. Just lock her up and throw away the key. Make OAN pay so much their stockholders are left using the stocks for TP
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