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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. You want to put a dent in the "Border Crises" crack down on businesses that knowingly hire "illegals". I mean huge fines. And prison terms for company executives. Its never going to happen..
  2. They won't be happy til they bring back indentured servitude. And reinstate slavery
  3. Any chance they can nail "Dr Ronnie" on drug charges....
  4. One of the reasons we revisited it is that one of my wife's cousins served in an outfit that fought alongside E. He was several years older that her, her mother was the baby of the family. We never knew it until he passed a few years ago. I think it was C Company, there's a book out about it and he was mentioned a few times. Quite the jokester. He later spent several years working for one of the railroad companies outside Philadelphia.
  5. We've been rewatching Band of Brothers. Twenty plus years it still holds up. Interesting watching a young Damion Lewis and Ron Livingston.
  6. https://www.cato.org/blog/new-data-show-migrants-were-more-likely-be-released-trump-biden
  7. No matter what Biden does the MAGA's in Congress will block it. Book it
  8. I wish to respectfully opt out. I don't stand for anything our fleece wearing (even in 90 degree temps) Governor stands for.
  9. It does bring up some interesting scenarios. Can Mexico say the same about Texas? What about France? One could argue that Jefferson's actions were a bit sketchy.
  10. This story kind of fell thru the cracks. If Stinky wins does he give Vlad a victory present.
  11. Go to O'Reilly Auto Parts website. Once you in enter 121g in the parts search. You're welcome
  12. If nothing else, it's been entertaining
  13. He's also claimed that Obama is still President
  14. Watch the video about halfway thru, when he turns and walks away from M's car. Is that a bandage near his ear? Red spots on his hand the other day, now this. Something is going on.
  15. As a former radio guy who worked about this time you could count on getting several phone calls from someone asking if schools were closed within seconds of reading the never ending closing list. It was always tempting to tell them no, especially with every station in the region doing closing lists along with a nearly constant stream on the TV. As an aside, back in 1979 my wife was working for the top radio station in Richmond, Va when there was a big snowfall. I had chains on my car so I drove her in the night before and we spent the night at the station. The news director woke us at 4:30 is with the news that the 5 of us at the station were the only ones working that morning. They put me on the switchboard. Five hours of answering phones, all closings and not one person asking if schools were closed.
  16. Anybody else see Bannon as a bit of a Rasputin. Trump needs to watch his back with that one
  17. These Christianistas apparently have never read (or digested) Isaiah 55 8-9
  18. I have a feeling the Georgia case against Trump is going to get a bit stickey
  19. This has to be a major talking point for the Democrats and those who oppose the former President. This statement is direct opposition to the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution. Nearly 250 years ago our forefathers started an insurrection against a king in opposition to these thoughts.
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