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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. I want to think Karsh will develop the nuances as he continues. TBH, I have not listened much this season. What I have heard sounds a bit like Jeff Joniak on the Bears broadcast when he started 20 plus years ago. It takes a couple of years of doing PBP to get comfortable doing it. A big step from a daily talk show or being a sideline reporter. Doug's a good guy, I wish him well.
  2. So if Trump's team wins this argument, Biden could shoot him in Times Square, resign and not be prosecuted?
  3. Quick summery. "There are rules for everyone else. Seperate privileges for former President Stinky
  4. The fact that Former President Stinky was impeached does not mean the charges in Georgia imply double jeopardy. If he was indeed convicted by the Senate, we wouldn't have to go thru this whole thing
  5. I've been pushing them for Washington. I see today where Josh Harris has hired Rick Spielman (former Vikings GM) and Bob Myers,(former Golden State, now ESPN) to advise in the front office search. It's an interesting mix. Not only do the Commodes need a new front office and coach, there is also the issue of a new stadium and who they can fleece to help pay for it.
  6. My way too early gut take is the election comes down to whether Kennedy or someone else runs as third party. Much like 2016 a semi effective third party canidate will get a significant portion of the anti Trump vote. Far left liberals who think Biden is too old and a portion of the anti Trump right who would never vote for a Democrat no matter what.
  7. I wondered why they were still passing at the end instead of taking the knee. Nice gesture
  8. Just saw a report that Washington frontman Josh Harris has expressed an interest in luring Bill Belichick to the Commodes. That would be the worst move for the team since Edward Bennett Williams hired George Allen. (The Over The Hill Gang did make it to the Super Bowl once during his tenure but bringing in aging veterans left the cupboard bare)
  9. Her shooting was horrible and terrible but people should just get over it. Like school shootings
  10. You would think that at least one person in the Pentagon would think to make a phone call to the White House. I realize it was a holiday weekend, but....
  11. I like this version. It didn’t go anywhere but was on this great Tom Jones album I bought in London several years ago
  12. https://www.orlandosentinel.com/2024/01/05/kissimmee-resort-cancels-marjorie-taylor-greenes-jan-6-event/ A fundraiser and book signing at a sprawling Central Florida resort featuring U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has been canceled after the resort’s owners discovered the event was also a commemoration of the third anniversary of the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol. “Please be advised that Westgate was not made aware of the purpose of this event when we were approached to host a book signing,” Westgate Vacation Villas Resorts said. “This event has been canceled and is no longer taking place at our resort.” Requests for further comment were not immediately answered. First reported by NBC News, the event hosted by the Republican Party of Osceola County invited residents to meet Greene, a Republican from Georgia, Trump supporter and self-described “firebrand,” and get a signed copy of her memoir, “MTG” at the Westgate Convention Center in Kissimmee.
  13. It's a Divisional Championship, the NFL equivalent to JR High Graduation. Hang the banner, pretend like you've been there before. You celebrate when you get the Golden Ring
  14. I doubt this actually happened. If it was true how many labor laws were broken? I remember going out with my dad when I was 14 or so on some of his lawn service jobs. This was in the late 60s when the industry wasn't what it is now. I wasn't allowed to even touch things like the mower or electric clippers. I was regulated to raking and pulling weeds,( even though I could mow a few neighbors lawn on my own) Also in the fast food industry, you weren't allowed anywhere near things like the fryer or meat slicer unless you were at least 18 or older.
  15. I had a chat pre pandemic with someone who picked up a part time job at one of the big box chains. The way she was jerked around over schedule and hours was outrages. Not knowing her schedule until the day before, last minute changes, demands that she work on days off, etc. This was a temporary retirement gig, not a career.
  16. No one wants to work for assholes who jerk you around on schedules and hours
  17. Something, something, Hunter, uh, er, well, Biden Crime Family. Fifty bucks says this won't move the needle on anything Stinky's Party Ethics Committee is investigating
  18. I expect there to be a complete front office house cleaning. Rivera actually hired Mayhew. I haven't scoured the Harris sports empire for clues on who might be next.The 76's and Devils may give some more enterprising better clues. The Commanders did hire Eugene Shen as VP of Football Strategy earlier this season and Chen was actively involved in the two big Washington trades. That said I'm still pulling for Ray Agnew to get the Commanders GM job.
  19. The Letterman Show. Davis along with David Sanborn and Marcus Miller. A real gem
  20. With my nieces and nephews I'm more into high fives than hugs. Hugs just feel strange these days. I won't object if someone else initiates it, but won't make the first move. Maybe too many hugs from great aunts with bad perfume when I was young
  21. i cut my teeth on the old Eastern Hockey League. One of the original goon leagues. But that was eons ago. i still find it more fun to spend a little time at a minor league game than to try to navigate the NHL's, NBA's and the NFL's of the world. I admit to being a dinosaur
  22. My thinking was along the lines of getting fans into the sets. Minor league hockey seems to thrive in smaller markets where there isn't that much competition. Much like minor league baseball. We're probably talking apples to kumquats. No one is watching any college football outside of the major conferences on TV either.
  23. Minor league hockey still has some appeal so maybe there is a glimmer of hope. Of course you don't need the number of bodies for hockey as you do football.
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