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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. I'm old enough to remember the Continental Football League and the Atlantic Coast Football League (ACFL) back in the mid to late 60s. True minor league ball. A few clubs had agreements with the NFL at the time. You would possibly have a couple clubs putting a few players on the team. 32 man rosters with something like a 5 player reserve squad. There is too much competition for sport entertainment dollars to make an enterprise successful now. The NFL owns Sundays, Monday, Thursday nights, Colleges control Saturdays. Not to mention what you can watch on TV now
  2. We can't let our children read controversial books. But throw a party and get a bunch of 17 year olds drunk? Why not...
  3. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. What part of the First Amendment do these theocrats do not understand? Definitely a treasonable offense
  4. Posting this for the graphic insert. From the Virginia fourth and seventh grade social studies book (I think both grades used the same book). I was there in 1964-65 (7th grade, one of two Yankees in the class)
  5. Maine weighs in..
  6. A lot of folks still can't handle the truth from nearly 250 years ago.
  7. She could have at least mentioned that she removed the Confederate Flags from her state Capitol while governor.
  8. His mother loved him better. The suits at CBS didn't
  9. Let's not bury the lead. The subject of slavery was out there since the founding of the Republic. It's one of the main reasons why parts of the Constitution are wound up tighter than pretzels. The need to placate the smaller southern states like South Carolina and Georgia who depended on "free" labor. The words of Confederate VP Alexander Stephens could not be more clear ahead of starting the Civil War: “Our new government is founded upon exactly the opposite idea; it’s foundations are laid, it’s cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery subordination to the superior race is his natural and normal condition. This, our new government, is the first , in its history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth.” Folks like Nikki just want to rewrite history.
  10. For the third or possibly the fifth time, the Colorado suit was brought by a group of Republicans or otherwise unaffiliated voters trying to keep the former president off the state's primary ballot. THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE GENERAL ELECTION ONLY THE PRIMARY? It seems that the QOP has decided to place the blame on Democrats basically because they refuse to take any responsibility. And everything wrong with country is Joe Biden, Pamala Harris, Barrak OBama and The Clinton's fault
  11. A significant portion of the Republican Party - We certainly hope the Democrats can stop Trump because we don't have the balls to do so. And we'll be damn if we're voting for Biden and Harris. We'll also complain because they're saying out loud what we're thinking because we're scared of him and his posse
  12. They need to target Joshua Karty (Stanford) in the draft
  13. Had a son that may have misplaced a laptop and allegedly traded on the family name. Not at all like making a $2 Billion plus deal with the Saudi's based on Daddy in laws temporary job.
  14. Missed an anniversary this past week Borrowed and rewritten from another site Instead of reading speeches of a failed dictator maybe the former President should have concentrated on the successful Father of his country
  15. I blame Taylor Swift. The team hasn't been they same since the signed her. She needs to stick to music
  16. The Ravens became a franchise in 1996. The reactivated Cleveland Browns came to be in 1999.
  17. Using your theory let's save time and only hold elections in swing states. I propose elections only in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. Georgia can be the tie breaker if needed. The other 45 states be damned because we probably already the outcome
  18. Happy Holidays
  19. Did you know Miles Davis had a Christmas song?
  20. But Biden is President so theoretically he can pardon himself
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