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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. Just added another arm
  2. Waiting for the CONservatives to lose it in 3...2...1
  3. One of my favorite radio bits was the jock who played the Barking Dogs version of Jingle Bells. Coming out of the record he acknowleged the local dogs who "left presents" on the lawn outside the studio. Immediately followed by sound effects of a gun going off several times. This lead into a local newscast, with the reporter trying to recover from laughter. You can't get away with that bit today
  4. Not surprising...
  5. I don't see Johnson going to Carolina. He reportedly turned them down last year, what has changed in that organization to make him change his mind. If new ownership in Washington wants to make an impact why not a combination package of Ray Agnew and Johnson? Johnson has a bit of a connection with Sam Howell. He was one of his coaches in the Senior Bowl and seemed to connect a bit. They're both North Carolinia grads. Throw in Mark Brunell as Commander OC...
  6. Not to mention playing games like Strat O Matic and figuring batting averages and era's
  7. Not for anything but wouldn't a Muslim ban run counter to the First Amendment? Freedom of religion. Especially since several of the founders fought extremely hard for that particular clause. The idea of a Christian Nation under any President comes extremely close to the Church of England that the "Patriots" fought to rid themselves from. It just wasn't over tea and taxes
  8. FWIW the primary petitioners in the Colorado case were Republicans https://www.courts.state.co.us/userfiles/file/Court_Probation/Supreme_Court/Opinions/2023/23SA300.pdf
  9. Eventually? That's what's happening now. In reality national elections are basically decided by a handful of "purple" states. It's been that way (with a few exceptions) as long as I can remember.
  10. Happy Winter Solstice.
  11. Just an addendum to the above, I actually got into an extended argument with my former pulmonary doctor. It was over a prescription. The drug was only available tru "speciality pharmacies" He asked how I was handling the drug. "I've never heard from anyone" "Do you answer your phone for unknown callers?" "Not usually" "You should always answer your phone"...and proceeded to rant never explaining about hipaa laws an such when it came to speciality pharmacies" He had already given me a referral to another specialist and ended the conversation with, "I'm sure you'll be happy with Dr XXX" My wife and I walked out of the office..."I think we just got fired" Turns out his assistant never sent the request to the pharmacy or to the referring doctor
  12. I've been inundated the last couple of days with calls from "mortgage" companies trying to get me to refinance or take out a second loan. I usually don't answer these calls but occasionally one sneaks thru on a familiar area code. I try to be obnoxious as possible but some of these guys are relentless.
  13. Speaking of cable company (and others) customer service
  14. Since it only pertains to the primary ballot in a state Trump has never won...
  15. I have a feeling the most likely reason is that the three are minors
  16. Any guesses to the three left off the list?
  17. This looks like a self defeating cause. If Biden loses these states it's almost guaranteed they'll be under a Muslim ban in 2025
  18. So is Trump is now admitting that trying to overturn an election is an official act?
  19. Once he is convicted he definitely should be blocked from the ballot. The Colorado case means practically nothing until it reaches the Supreme Court. The ruling I'm waiting for is the one on whether he can be held responsible for his actions post elections and while he was still in office.
  20. The Supreme Court won't confirm the Colorado ruling. Trump needs to be defeated in an election. Or actually be convicted of a crime or three.
  21. Rivera is definitely gone. I just suggested to my Nephew in law (a huge Wash fan) that they need to bring in Ray Agnew to replace Mayhew and take a good look at Ben Johnson. I think Howell still could be a serviceable QB but needs a whisperer.
  22. The way I'm reading this is it pertains to the primary ballot in the state
  23. T-Mobile has been offering free MLB as one of their perks. They'll blackout the local broadcasts, Nats and those guys in Baltimore, but I can get Tigers and Pirates games. The NFL package has gotten ridiculous especially since it's an add on to YouTube TV. We'll dump it after the season. Except that means to VaTech or UVa games. That might be a good thing 😉
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