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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. I have a feeling the most likely reason is that the three are minors
  2. Any guesses to the three left off the list?
  3. This looks like a self defeating cause. If Biden loses these states it's almost guaranteed they'll be under a Muslim ban in 2025
  4. So is Trump is now admitting that trying to overturn an election is an official act?
  5. Once he is convicted he definitely should be blocked from the ballot. The Colorado case means practically nothing until it reaches the Supreme Court. The ruling I'm waiting for is the one on whether he can be held responsible for his actions post elections and while he was still in office.
  6. The Supreme Court won't confirm the Colorado ruling. Trump needs to be defeated in an election. Or actually be convicted of a crime or three.
  7. Rivera is definitely gone. I just suggested to my Nephew in law (a huge Wash fan) that they need to bring in Ray Agnew to replace Mayhew and take a good look at Ben Johnson. I think Howell still could be a serviceable QB but needs a whisperer.
  8. The way I'm reading this is it pertains to the primary ballot in the state
  9. T-Mobile has been offering free MLB as one of their perks. They'll blackout the local broadcasts, Nats and those guys in Baltimore, but I can get Tigers and Pirates games. The NFL package has gotten ridiculous especially since it's an add on to YouTube TV. We'll dump it after the season. Except that means to VaTech or UVa games. That might be a good thing 😉
  10. One of the issues we have here is that cable (Cox) is the only game in town. There is no realistic second or third option for internet. There is one company that has signed an agreement for hard wired internet service but actually implementing it is several years away in our neighborhood. We're using the monopoly's internet only service. It's the add ons that get expensive.
  11. As if they needed another reason to do so
  12. Was just reading a Tim Miller piece on this past weekend's gathering of MAGAs. If there is a post Trump era it just might be Matt Gaetz https://open.substack.com/pub/thebulwark/p/the-matt-gaetz-gop-future?r=45wcm&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email
  13. This might be worth following. Amazon is in talks with Diamond Sports.
  14. I guess his wife's under the table grifting wasn't enough to pay the bills. Maybe just use a tent instead of an RV you couldn't afford
  15. The hits just keep on coming in Georgia
  16. The 4% was for the current season. It was probably on a Birkett X tweet. The 2023-24 season is going to be much higher indeed. https://www.prideofdetroit.com/2023/3/7/23628236/detroit-lions-raise-ticket-prices-2023-season Then there's this
  17. Ticket prices for the current season went up by about 4% from what I've read. They've been fairly steady since 2018 and ranked near the middle of the league in prices. As in every business when the demand goes up, so do prices. Unfortunately for fans that's the price of having a popular, sucessful team
  18. Just need to keep them in bubble wrap
  19. Already seeing the Harbough to San Diego chatter.
  20. You'll only complain about the next one. Whomever she may be
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