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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. Not to mention the several translations from the "original" Hebrew, Greek, Arabic, etc. How many edits were made to conform with the beliefs of the translators and rulers who commissioned them?
  2. Hope he enjoys being a minnow in a big pond https://www.espn.com/college-football/story/_/id/39013971/sources-indiana-finalizing-hire-james-madison-curt-cignetti
  3. I keep going back to something I heard in church nearly 60 years ago. This was from a guest minister in the Presbyterian church my family attended for several years. The speaker was preparing to address a group of ministers in the local Presbytery. He said he wanted to start his address by saying "My fellow Racketters". Seems more appropriate today many years ago.
  4. Plus he knows where the bodies are buried. It's GOP blackmail capitulation
  5. So much wrong here. First of all MSNBC is a cable channel, not an "over the air entity. So is Fox News which bends over backward to service the Orange Master. Also the airwaves are not free, over the air broadcasters have specific guidelines issued by the FCC plus license fees (at least they did in the 70s and 80s) There is no license requirements for cable. Meanwhile how many conservatives would scream the same thing about Fox, OAN, NewsMax, etc https://www.threads.net/@adam_kinzinger/post/C0O0Jh5LP-B/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== Adam Knzinger: If you call yourself conservative and read this statement without alarm bells sounding, you are not a conservative.
  6. The fact that media choices are so fractured these days makes this report unsurprising. And the Deplorables would call it fake news anyway...
  7. Maybe if they cut back on K Kups and Krisby Kremes
  8. We've booked a trip to Vegas in May. Not planning to gamble much if at all. I think we have 3 days 4 nights on a package with Marriott. Highlight will be a helicopter tour of the Grand Canyon along with a Vegas at night flyby. It was either that or Chicago in concert.
  9. Another OF/1B body. Decent stats in AAA
  10. Rivera will finish the season
  11. There's a place in Livonia that sells live turkeys (at least they were live until shortly before you picked them up). They run about $4.99 a LB. Tried them once couldn't really tell the difference https://groperti9.wixsite.com/roperti-turkey-farm
  12. This is a well pampered, woke turkey. No self respecting MAGA would touch it with a 15 food pole
  13. Yankees have hired Brad Ausmus as bench coach
  14. Not to flog a dead turkey, however still looking for that elusive $90 bird https://www.fb.org/market-intel/thanksgiving-dinner-cost-relief-but-still-high-relative-to-recent-years
  15. Could they possibly lease it out to the Bears on NFL Sundays? That would seem to make $ense to me
  16. Nobody wants to be in Philly in January, ever
  17. I just checked our favorite BBQ place...a 16-18 pound locally sourced honey brined smoked hen is $90, if it's fried it's $95. They say it feeds up to 8 people which comes out to a bit less than $12 a serving. Throw in gravy, stuffing, cranberry sauce, potatoes, green bean casserole etc it's expensive. But you save a hell of a lot of time on labor.
  18. How big was that turkey? My local Food Lion's most expensive one was $2.99 fully cooked. A "fresh" turkey was $1.49. No wonder Trumpublicans are complaining. They're lousy shoppers
  19. Here's how Biden has destroyed the economy Signed an infrastructure bill to repair our roads, waterways, bridges and railroads, and bring high-speed internet to rural communities. · Signed the Inflation Reduction Act, making health insurance plans more affordable, lowering drug costs. · Signed the CHIPS and Science Act, providing funding to produce semiconductor chips in the U.S.A. · Traveled to war zones, and brought the USA back to the global table as a strong respected partner and leader. · For addressing climate change his administration has provided millions to reduce greenhouse emissions and promote clean energy technologies, moving our country to greater self-sufficiency in energy production. · Oversaw the passage of landmark gun legislation; though not nearly enough; the bill is the first major federal firearms legislation since the 1990s, and a significant step forward. · He arranged to have certain student loans forgiven and is still working to do more. · After a very difficult global economic period, inflation is going down, and hourly wage increases exceeded inflation for the first time in two years this past summer. What did Trump or any other sitting Republican do in the past 2 plus years (2021 to today) that helped the average American, not the Oligarch Class
  20. I know the Parkway quite well. Grew up near Roanoke, Va and driving it was part of my Spring ritual for many years. The Skyline Drive (paid) and Parkway are great leisure trips. One of my new favorites is coming off I68 inCumberland, Maryland and heading thru Paw Paw, WV into Winchester, Va. The real hassle is trying to avoid Fredericksburg and I 95 once I get back into the corridor toward Richmond and points east.
  21. I've reached the age where I can only take so much of the turnpikes, they're great if you need to be somewhere quickly. After years of dealing with the paid highways in Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia, there are times where you just need to slow down and enjoy the back roads for a while.
  22. I hate the PA Turnpike with a passion, having spent many years dealing with that dang Breezewood exit. It has gotten better in the last few years, but still I could have retired a few years earlier if I saved the tolls. There was one interesting experience thru Upstate NY. Driving back to Chicago from a visit to Cooperstown several years ago along Rt 17, my son and encountered a massive rainstorm outside Corning. I think we found the last motel room nearby since the highway was going to be closed for several hours. Up the next morning, cruising along, and while passing a vehicle on a hill we encountered a County Mountie at its crest...near Hornel. Definitely a speed trap. I got the ticket, mailed them a check when we got home, in a Christmas card.
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