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Everything posted by CMRivdogs

  1. And here's the thing that gripes me. The "working folks" who badmouth the union because of their politics, but will gladly take the benefits the union negotiated. TBH I'm not well versed on the transportation industries agreement and whether there is or is not a two tiered system on pay and benefits. My only experience was several years when I walked into a broadcast facility that was just about to vote on joining AFTRA (this was about 25 years ago. Full disclosure, my wife was a manager at another facility so I knew a bit about what to expect. I left the job before negations were completed, but my feelings at the time AFTRA was fairly toothless (before the merger with SAG).
  2. We need to bring back dueling.
  3. Does he call the run on 2nd down?
  4. He'll just send out another fundraising plea blaming the Democrats and Communists who live in the country like vermin
  5. But, the Democrats are in disarray
  6. But they'll still blame Biden for high gas prices when oil production is at its highest output, not even considering the number of folks in their gas guzzling Class A's pulling a get around car AND a golf cart. Or high food prices.
  7. I used to see it the other way working small market radio where businesses influenced what news stories to talk about or even music we played. Keep in mind you also get crossover since many of the local officials also owned businesses who advertised. In that case, which came first, the chicken or the egg. No laws were passed forbidding the play of Whitney Houston, but if the advertiser, vice mayor objected, we lost revenue.
  8. Only going by Tigers and Lions on line radio feeds, Audacy (WXYT) runs at least 15 seconds or more behind the TV feed of the game. I don't expect the radio flagship stations of the teams to make adjustments.
  9. I really believe it's almost embedded in their social DNA. Grand parents, parents, aunts and uncles all voted for Republicans. Especially after FDR, Kennedy (religious prejudice) Johnson (Great Society). In the south those who grew up with the Dixiecrats became Republicans with Nixon and Reagan.
  10. OK no laws were broken but so called "christian" politicians did have an impact on the bottom line on the sale of a certain brand of beer. TBH I suppose you could say the same about the other side on businesses like Chick Fil A or Hobby Lobby (which has reportedly cut way back on their Hanukkah related crafts)
  11. Something to ponder today
  12. "If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external or internal controls on government would be necessary" James Madison, Federalist Papers Unfortunately Madison and company never took human nature into account with their philosophies. Heck, they never even envisioned political parties. Since only the white male gentry was allowed to vote in 1787.
  13. Is this like the cheating spouse promising to do better next time?
  14. The stories are good, we've enjoyed them. BTW the Bosch series continues with Bosch Legacy. I think it's either on Showtime or Freevee (my wife follow them more than I do) If you like Bosch you might also check out the Corman Strike. The first series are on HBO. It's based on the crime novels of Robert Galbraith (J K Rowling)
  15. Like DeSantis with Disney? Or folks who don't like beer companies advertising to gay people.
  16. Just going to throw this here. A nice little documentary on the production of the last Beatle song https://www.pbs.org/video/now-and-then-the-last-beatles-song-short-film-wflwzd/
  17. There are a few Foundations out there actually doing something. DuPont is another one besides Gates, and a lot may be doing it very quietly. My wife does a bit of work on the edges non profit world.
  18. We're heading back to the days of powerful moguls like Carnegie, Vanderbilt and Rockefeller. Just don't expect that any of the current Robber Barons will leave any monuments for the public good.
  19. To me this is where it's different from 2016...they've had 7 years to organize for the Erdogan like takeover of the Republic. They have a blueprint (with the backing of the Federalist Society) including loyalty oaths and the complete takeover of the Justice Department https://www.axios.com/2023/11/13/trump-loyalists-2024-presidential-election?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
  20. Because three yards and a cloud of artificial turf is boring. And by the way 3 things happen when you pass, two of them are bad
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